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8 that were overrun

Article about: Hello people, havent posted on this forum for a while. Hope all of you are doing well! I dont have all the photos since ive filmed most of the dig, when i make the video i will post the link

  1. #41
    Jan is offline


    Quote by inka View Post
    I ve seen what you guys do in Finland,good stuff! What kind of funding do you guys have?
    The funding is via different scientific foundations. On the local level travel and accomodation expences have been covered by the towns in which the work takes place.

    Best, Jan

  2. #42


    What I feel about this..

    Is that "fallen soldiers" deserve their final resting place. They have earned their Rest In Peace.

    No matter where they are "found", no matter where they "lay". We must never forget them.

    They never caused wars, they never deserted, they died.

    The paid ultimate sacrifice, for what? (not in my name).

    Politicians, that's what!

    As I grow older now, and see the futility of war, people like me and you (younger generation) are still dying.

    I hope every one of them is remembered, lovingly missed, by the people who loved them.

    But, above all else, no matter how long it takes, give them their final resting place.

    It's the least we can do.

    It's the least they deserve.

    May they Rest In Peace.

  3. #43


    I got my copy of the Volksbund's annual activity report today and would like to add a few more figures to illustrate the scale of their ongoing operations.

    In 2018, the following numbers of disinterments and reburials were undertaken:

    • Belarus: 3,024
    • Germany: 319
    • Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: 487
    • Georgia: 1,516
    • Croatia and Slovenia: 349
    • Moldavia and Romania: 27
    • Poland: 4,004
    • Russia: 12,961
    • Slovakia and the Czech Republic: 137
    • Ukraine: 1,095
    • Hungary: 269
    • Total: 24,118

    (i.e. a statistical average of 66 per day)

    30,479 gravemarkers on 42 cemeteries in 11 countries were inscribed.
    36,768 casualty reports (burial, KIA and MIA) were recorded (current total number on record: 5,492,331)
    26,862 disinterment/reburial protocols were issued (total number since 1992: 764,528; the remains of 285,351 indiviuals were identified)
    28,814 non-retrieved or not individually identified casualties were recorded (total number since 1993: 596,740)

  4. #44


    Any latest news on this thread?

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