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Avro Lancaster Crash Site

Article about: Hi all, I just managed a fleeting visit to the supposed crash location of a Lancaster, in Germany. The Lanc in question was that of my Grandad’s friend, which was downed by flak in March 1

  1. #1

    Default Avro Lancaster Crash Site

    Hi all,

    I just managed a fleeting visit to the supposed crash location of a Lancaster, in Germany. The Lanc in question was that of my Grandad’s friend, which was downed by flak in March 1945.

    The area is fairly remote, yet seems to have been used to dump all manner of modern domestic rubbish. As such, a sweep with a metal detector proved somewhat frustrating. I had very limited time, and discarded everything I found, with the exception of the item in the attached photos.

    I realise it’s the longest of long shots, but does anyone believe this could be aviation related? The location is supposedly from the German federal archives. That said, I didn’t find anything else which looked remotely like fragments of an aircraft. It should be noted that the aircraft crashed prior to the bomb run, and was loaded with a Blockbuster plus incendiaries.

    Any opinions would be gratefully received.
    Avro Lancaster Crash Site
    Avro Lancaster Crash Site
    Avro Lancaster Crash Site
    Avro Lancaster Crash Site
    Avro Lancaster Crash Site

  2. #2


    Hi Morty ...just to keep an open mind until more replies come onto this thread.....Many parts of Germany have been decimated by continued bombing and that fragment could be anything ...from an aircraft building structure etc.

    Lets see what others have to say...unless there are no markings on this metal fragment may be hard to prove where it came from.

    Regards Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  3. #3


    Hi Larry,

    Thanks for responding. Yeah, I fully agree on all points. I’m not taking the location information as gospel, and there’s the possibility the site was well cleared after the event. The fact that it happened a month before the end of the war suggests - to me at least - that the authorities probably had enough on their plate. The area of the “crash site” is virtually unchanged from the war. I was hoping to find some evidence of the aircraft. It doesn’t help that there’s so much modern trash strewn about the area.

    Anyway, I agree it’s unlikely this bit of aluminium could be identified from the photos, even assuming it is from an aircraft. Either way, this seems like the best place to ask for help.

  4. #4


    From what I see there is a modest chance your relic is aircraft related. I've attached some similar looking pieces from one of my crates of fragments. These are from a German bomber, but you can see similar rivets, mixtures of materials steel & alloy. The location information is probably fairly accurate.

    Avro Lancaster Crash Site

  5. #5


    Fantastic, thank you for this! Those “rivets” certainly look similar. This all helps to provide the impetus for a more in depth search of the site.

  6. #6
    DAI is offline


    Hello Morty
    Do you know of any other aircraft crashing in this area? if none then the parts you have recoverd look very much like aircraft outer skin panels
    and if only a lancaster crashed at this site its my opinion that it must be that lancaster I have posted some photos of very similar aircraft parts from a Royal Air Force WW2 halifax bomber that i was given many years ago hope this will be some help
    best wishes
    DAIAvro Lancaster Crash SiteAvro Lancaster Crash SiteAvro Lancaster Crash SiteAvro Lancaster Crash SiteAvro Lancaster Crash Site

  7. #7


    Hello DAI,

    I’ve only looked into this one aircraft, but I suppose it’s possible that it wasn’t the only one that went down in the area, given the scale of the air war. Your photos definitely look similar. This is exactly what I was hoping to see. It certainly seems well worth a return visit.
    Thanks very much dictating the time. I’ll post anything further I find. Ideally something identifiable!

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