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Big Hole Leusden

Article about: I am studying this area intensively. I was playing in this forbidden area a lot as a kid, but never knew they buried here lots of German stuff after the war. 11000 Germans were disarmed in t

  1. #1

    Default Big Hole Leusden

    I am studying this area intensively. I was playing in this forbidden area a lot as a kid, but never knew they buried here lots of German stuff after the war. 11000 Germans were disarmed in this area. I have aerial photo's from the Canadian War Department. Dutch kids were taking stuff from here directly after the war. And I read that even till now people are digging here. I really wonder where they are digging exactly because as far as I know these holes are located on a military exercise terrain located next to a highway in an open field. So they can see you if you are digging here. Or do they dig at night? The area is also under surveillance of a supervisor. I want to search this area, maybe there is a reader who wants to join? The area is located near Amersfoort/Leusden.Big Hole Leusden

  2. #2


    I don't think anyone is digging there anymore. A large amount of equipment was unearthed in the area years ago, hundreds of helmet were retrieved but think the area has been secured now.

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