Nice shoulder strap buttons with Kompanie numbers.
Cheers, Ade.
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Great buttons. Of course, you'll be going back for the rest......... ? !
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Would love to get a hold of some 5 Kompanie buttons
Oh yes! Just need to find a day I can devote another 6 hours to digging! I was pretty sore and sun burnt haha.
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I have at least 5. I could have more than that. Still cleaning some up and as mentioned at least several hundred left in the ground. Message me and we could work something out.
I read online that the kompanie buttons were discontinued in the early parts of the war. This may explain why there was such a cache of them in this one spot. They just dumped them since they were not "authorized" to wear them.
Holy cow !
great find!
I would love a serie as well!
pm send!
Wow...what a huge lot-and all in great shape too. Just cleaning them all up will be a long days task!
"Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."
Amazing find!
I am green with envy
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