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Is it dangerous ?

Article about: Exactly...something very similar, in any case, and with the same purpose. I assume that the knurled knob unscrews from the tube and has the pin attached to it? No idea as to what Nationality

  1. #1

    Default Is it dangerous ?

    We must consider opening section for this kind of questions.

    Found this cylinder ... is it dangerous ?
    Is it dangerous ?Is it dangerous ?
    Is it dangerous ?Is it dangerous ?

    iron pin inside, screw in one end, non magnetic casing... brass ?
    tube is 16mm in diameter ... 54 mm in length
    Last edited by sdesic; 09-04-2013 at 10:19 AM.

  2. #2


    It depends what it is?

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  3. #3


    It sort of looks like an oil bottle? Can you give use some context as to where it was found? E.g. was it found on the site of a transit camp or a bombing range? Cheers.

  4. #4
    mpw is offline


    Strange object indeed. The screw cap has a machined rim which suggests frequent removal with the minimum of effort. For lubrication perhaps? It also looks like it was attached to something else on one side. In what context did you find it?


  5. #5


    Quote by sdesic View Post
    We must consider opening section for this kind of questions.
    Found this cylinder ... is it dangerous ?

    iron pin inside, screw in one end, non magnetic casing... brass ?
    tube is 16mm in diameter ... 54 mm in length
    if ingested, then yes or thown at someone, again yes, or hammered into someones head, then again yes, but otherwise probably not.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  6. #6


    Location is old fortification used by Ottoman empire, Austro-hungaria, Germans... later was park ... wooded area
    Found lot's of activity in location... spent rounds, shrapnel ...

  7. #7


    Quote by Jerry B View Post
    if ingested, then yes or thown at someone, again yes, or hammered into someones head, then again yes, but otherwise probably not.
    Dry English humour in Wales.....

  8. #8


    My initial impression is the same as James's-it look like an oiler bottle to me.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  9. #9

  10. #10


    Thats what I was thinking initially because of the knurled top.

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