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DD M35 with sand color camo

Article about: What do you guys think of this lid? Okay its far from mint as it was dug up, but at least there is no question about it being a real camo lid or not! The liner has gone, but the inner ring a

  1. #1

    Default DD M35 with sand color camo

    What do you guys think of this lid? Okay its far from mint as it was dug up, but at least there is no question about it being a real camo lid or not!
    The liner has gone, but the inner ring and chin strap with buckle are still there, and both decals are clearly vissible.
    I like the color of the camo, bit sandy color. It was found in Belgium some years ago.
    Just thought I would share this one with you all as I am going to put it up for sale.
    Decided to sell a lot of my collection, and this lid has to go too.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture DD M35 with sand color camo   DD M35 with sand color camo  

    DD M35 with sand color camo   DD M35 with sand color camo  

    DD M35 with sand color camo   DD M35 with sand color camo  

  2. #2

    Default Re: DD M35 with sand color camo

    Very nice, when you find these relic helmets do you clean them in soapy water and oil them? or leave them as they are?

  3. #3

    Default Re: DD M35 with sand color camo

    I only used soap and water on this one, and a brush. It all depends on the state of the lid when it is unearthed. Some are bad, some are falling to bits, and others can be in a remarkable good condition. All depends on the soil and Ph value of the ground. Afterwoods I put some gun grease on them. Leather liners are a bit of a problem for me; they always seem to fall apart once on the surface, but I have heard of people who know how to preserve the leather.

  4. #4

    Default Re: DD M35 with sand color camo

    So what happens to the leather? does it dry out and become really fragile?
    It's a shame you have to sell it thats a really nice Helmet


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