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Digging in Norway & Kurland

Article about: Hi everybody! I have been a lurker in these forums for a few years and found it was time to present myself and open a thread where I will post some pics from expeditions and finds. Some of t

  1. #1

    Default Digging in Norway & Kurland

    Hi everybody! I have been a lurker in these forums for a few years and found it was time to present myself and open a thread where I will post some pics from expeditions and finds. Some of the guys on here I have met and they know me but for all you others,I am 36 years Young,lives in Northern Norway and I have always been interested in ww2 history. I like to bring my metaldetector on forest trips where I live,to see if I find something the occupying forces left behind,and every chance I have I go meet my friends in Kurland to help recover fallen soldiers,which I think is a very important job,and really interesting too. Im going out to the forest right now to continue a dig I started on saturday,,will bring you some photos within a few hours when I am back to the Cave

    Digging in Norway & Kurland

  2. #2


    Wellcome to the forum mate!....

  3. #3


    Welcome to the Forum.

    I specialize in M1 carbines and Lugers.

  4. #4


    Hi Inka

    About time you showed yourself! Looking forward to having you carry my MD

    The guys here will love your finds, especially the ones you're digging at the minute

  5. #5


    great stuff
    unfortunatly theres f*ck all in ireland to dig for , pity there is not some more organised digs . would love to get involved in one.
    bes of luck with the digging mate.

  6. #6


    Thanks for the welcome guys! Just came back from the forest,did some finds and had a Close encounter With mr.squirrel who wondered what I was digging for..Food and shower then I`ll upload some photos for you,,of my trip,not the showering!!!
    Steve,all I need is to know a date and I ll try get some tickets,,I already miss Kurzeme deeply

  7. #7


    Welcome. Look forward to more pics.

  8. #8


    Howdy friend.

  9. #9


    Welcome to the forum! Good photo and a taste of things to come, no doubt.


  10. #10


    Hi guys,thanks for the welcome Well,had some Food and cleaned some rust so its time for some pics.. I went to this old abandoned military base in the forest somewhere in the Northern parts of norway and soon had this interesting signal.. I opened it up With only a bayonet and small garden tool (always bring a shovel !!)and there was this Heavy lead Box,all the woodwork fell apart like dirt when touching it..Norwegian rifle ammo anno 1939..

    Digging in Norway & Kurland

    Digging in Norway & Kurland

    Digging in Norway & Kurland

    Trying to move the Heavy b****d out of the hole,it wanted to do this..

    Digging in Norway & Kurland

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