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dynamo 1940

Article about: Dear friends hello I appear, my name is johannes, I am 38 years old, and live in meadows of the Dunkerque, Françe. I makes searches(excavations), and collèctionne, relic of the opétation dyn

  1. #1

    Default dynamo 1940

    Dear friends hello I appear, my name is johannes, I am 38 years old, and live in meadows of the Dunkerque, Françe. I makes searches(excavations), and collèctionne, relic of the opétation dynamo, lost by the BEF in May juin1940.
    If you wish it, I shall post my finds, made in lengths of the years
    For begun, here are some badgesof search (excavation) found on the beach of bray dunes. Amitier
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture dynamo  1940   dynamo  1940  

    dynamo  1940   dynamo  1940  

    dynamo  1940   dynamo  1940  

    dynamo  1940   dynamo  1940  

    dynamo  1940   dynamo  1940  

  2. #2

    Default Re: dynamo 1940

    Hi Johannes, welcome to the forum! You have found some nice cap badges!

    My Uncle served at Dunkirk with the RAMC.

    Please use our free forum photo hosting software.

    Cheers, Ade.

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