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Forgotten field hospital cementary

Article about: Hello! Some of you mightve seen this video but ill post it again. It was filmed by Jean when he was here last time. We found 25 soldiers, mostly killed by shrapnel. However yes, we did damag

  1. #1

    Default Forgotten field hospital cementary


    Some of you mightve seen this video but ill post it again. It was filmed by Jean when he was here last time.

    We found 25 soldiers, mostly killed by shrapnel.

    However yes, we did damage some of the remains; either by people walking over them (crushed skulls) or uneaven depth of burying them (excavator damage)

    Here is the video link, ill post some pics of the dig too later YouTube

  2. #2


    I find it quite interesting. I paused at the 1/2 way mark. Great job on the filming & the explanations.

  3. #3


    Very interesting and educational video. Done very respectfully IMHO.

  4. #4


    That is a very interesting video and thank you for sharing. You guys did a very good job.

    Regards, Rik

  5. #5


    Thank you for a insight into a daunting task.

    Fortune favors the brave 644th td

  6. #6


    Thank you for the video and the work being done to return the Fallen home.
    I couldn't watch it on my guberment computer and had to watch it on my phone. Great job on the tutorial and videos.
    Both were quality work

    Semper Fi

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