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German 88s at Rhein Main / Frankfurt airport

Article about: These two German 88s were dug up during the construction work at the old USAF Rhein Main Air Base in Frankfurt. They, along with German 'planes, and other junk, were buried right after the w

  1. #1

    Default German 88s at Rhein Main / Frankfurt airport

    These two German 88s were dug up during the construction work at the old USAF Rhein Main Air Base in Frankfurt. They, along with German 'planes, and other junk, were buried right after the war and rediscovered during the expansion of the civil airport into the former USAF 'Gateway to Europe' airbase, which was opposite the civil airport. One of the 88s looks to be in a good state of preservation, the other has had its muzzle blocked and blown off in order to render it useless. I wonder if anyone knows what happened to these pieces. Were they saved for a local museum or are they displayed at the Frankfurt airport?

    Attachment 550653Attachment 550652Attachment 550651Attachment 550654

  2. #2


    Amazing finds. I hope they "saved" and restored them.

  3. #3


    Those are pretty fantastic. The one in particular could be restored to a pretty good piece (cannibalising parts from the other one). But knowing the world today they were probably chopped up and melted down for having a connection to Nazi Germany.

  4. #4


    One would like very nice in my front yard...although, I don't imagine my neighbor would appreciate it..

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  5. #5


    That's cool. I remembering exploring the USAF side back in the mid 90's when I was deployed to Ramstein AB. I saw alot of stuff related to the Berlin airlift, but nothing from WW2.

  6. #6


    Very cool. Hope that they are in a museam somewhere

  7. #7


    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    One would like very nice in my front yard...although, I don't imagine my neighbor would appreciate it..
    Count me in on that one too Wagriff. I would clean it up best I could and paint it up in desert camo. Now that would be a decent yard ornament!!

  8. #8


    Not a surprice they found them there,the woods back there was full of stuff.
    good memories of Rhein main airbase.
    my Dad was in the air force there.

  9. #9


    Truly awesome finds. They probably did destroy them because of the WaAmpt stamps with Adler and swazi's! Knowing how the PC gov rules are these days. I'm just teasing, but you never know.

  10. #10


    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    One would like very nice in my front yard...although, I don't imagine my neighbor would appreciate it..
    Perhaps if you aimed it at him he might not make a formal complaint?

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