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Great condition Machine gun belt

Article about: Heres, s some pictures from Lithuania (Ost Front) Perfekt condition machine gun belt was in boxes in "fox hole". It ,s becouse the boxes were with rubber padding. Some people told

  1. #1

    Default Great condition Machine gun belt

    Heres, s some pictures from Lithuania (Ost Front) Perfekt condition machine gun belt was in boxes in "fox hole". It ,s becouse the boxes were with rubber padding. Some people told that this type of boxes with a rubber padding were specially for desert conditions.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Great condition Machine gun belt   Great condition Machine gun belt  

    Great condition Machine gun belt  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Great condition Machine gun belt

    That is in incredible condition!

    I still wouldn't like to try using it though, after all this time!

    Thanks for posting!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Great condition Machine gun belt

    I suspect these rounds would function perfectly.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Great condition Machine gun belt

    I agree - provided they're dry they should pop off nicely. I'm using 303 tracer dated 1942 (which I didn't have to dig up) and it seems non the worse for wear. Great find, and great pictures. Any idea what cal the rounds are and what they fit?



  5. #5

    Default Re: Great condition Machine gun belt

    Hi Chris, they are German 7.92mm for the MG34 or MG42.

    Cheers, Ade.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Great condition Machine gun belt

    I agree, I bet they would fire off no probelms

  7. #7

    Default Re: Great condition Machine gun belt

    Outstanding find!
    I believe that they would fire with no problem. But I think it would be a shame to use them. Their weapons and ammo are made with very high quality. For example, my dad found MG42 few years ago at.... I don't now how to say it in english-place where are bunches of metal, and you can buy something. Anyway, he bought it as iron for cca 1,6 euro, all rusty and burned, but springs inside where still working! We couldn't believe it, and MG passed 2 wars- ww2 and Croatian War of Independence. ( he bought it in Vukovar- hell on earth in 1991)

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