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helmet german camo navy

Article about: dear friends hello apres a period of fruitless search(research), it seems that the luck(chance) is back here is a small taken(brought) out German helmet, on 20/09/08 on the beach of bray dun

  1. #1

    Default helmet german camo navy

    dear friends hello apres a period of fruitless search(research), it seems that the luck(chance) is back here is a small taken(brought) out German helmet, on 20/09/08 on the beach of bray dunes that this is covered with its guangue of vase(mud) and with shells.

    He(It) possesses his(its) inside and his(its) jugular vein(chin strap) (cook still very supple(flexible) and solid)

    After a small cleaning to judge the state, I decided of cleaned on half, for expo.

    Highly-rated to clean

    Highly-rated not néttoyer


  2. #2

    Default Re: helmet german camo navy

    Nice find

  3. #3

    Default Re: helmet german camo navy

    Interesting to see how the helmet is preserved in the salt water. It must die on the salt over a 10 years. Soft and playable leather, looks like a bit of work and this helmet will look great. Just use a bit of oxalic acid for restoring ...

    my Skype: warrelics

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