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isn't it dangerous?

Article about: Hello....this is my first comment. So please excuse mistakes. I just wanted to know if it isn't dangerous to search these relics from ww2. Because it could be possible that you dig up a mine

  1. #1

    Default isn't it dangerous?

    Hello....this is my first comment. So please excuse mistakes.
    I just wanted to know if it isn't dangerous to search these relics from ww2. Because it could be possible that you dig up a mine or someting like that by accident. What if it explodes? Often the germans used mine fields as a defence. (I think you all know that).
    Or any bombs or grenades. If you hit it with the shovel or something.

    How do you know that it doesn't explode?

    greetings from germany,

  2. #2

    Default Re: isn't it dangerous?


    I have the same worries myself. What we need to do is buy an expensive metal detector, those that could tell very accurately at what depth the relic lies , and then, until we can figure out what is down there, dig very carefully.

  3. #3

    Default Re: isn't it dangerous?

    All relic hunters are well aware of the risks involved.

    The only way to relic hunt safely is to dig SLOWLY and CAREFULLY until you expose the find.

    In all my years of searching I have only ever found 3 things that I left buried !!! 2 I couldn't positively identify as not being potentially explosive, one obviously was.

    With care and thought you can relic hunt safely. The vast majority of finds are spent cases, bits of spent ordnance and everyday soldiers kit.

    Steve T

    PS Welcome to the forum !

  4. #4

    Default Re: isn't it dangerous?

    Thats the same question I ask myself when digging.

  5. #5

    Default Re: isn't it dangerous?

    Do some research on the history of where you plan to dig, before you dig there. If you know what might be there, you will know what to expect to find. But, there are always exceptions to this.
    Good luck.
    Regards, Siimon.

  6. #6
    ILH is offline

    Default Re: isn't it dangerous?

    Hi O.S.,

    Just got to say...... if you're digging in Germany be even more slow and careful many places didn't get recorded or swept for unexploded stuff.

    If in doubt walk away and call the police/bombsquad to check it out.

    If you find human remains call the German Military Grave Registration Service and do not remove anything associated with them (my dad's Regt. found a mass grave while diggin in for an excercise in the 1960s).

    Be safe and good luck!

  7. #7

    Default Re: isn't it dangerous? Not just digging...

    You really have to be careful when dealing with this stuff. I am a long time ordinance collector specializing in the 8.8cm.

    I bought an AZ23 fuze via eBay from a collector in France. It arrived in a few weeks.. it was perfect. I sent a picture to a friend who is a world renowned expert ans his reply was" Reall GREAT example of a AZ23... you DO know that it's still live don't you???"

    I didn't.

    So it sits on my desk atop an original 8.8cm projectile... I can never sell it. During the last Quake here in CA on Easter Sunday I ran to grab the thing so it wouldn't fall.

  8. #8
    ILH is offline

    Default Re: isn't it dangerous? Not just digging...

    Quote by hassiman View Post
    So it sits on my desk atop an original 8.8cm projectile... I can never sell it. During the last Quake here in CA on Easter Sunday I ran to grab the thing so it wouldn't fall.
    to quote kenny everett "you cannot be serious" !!?

  9. #9

    Default Re: isn't it dangerous?

    Not as dangerous as you would think. The centrifical blocks are in place so it can't detonate except in a fire... and even then it's a low order black powder charge that is supposed to set off the gaine which is IS a dewat. The only other way to disarm it would be to try to disassemble it myself which I will not do as that WOULD be dangerous.

  10. #10
    ILH is offline

    Default Re: isn't it dangerous?

    Fair enough

    just goes to show:
    If in doubt (me) walk away and call an expert (Hassiman).

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