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Items found in Rossignol Wood

Article about: Hi guys, First post, but some help would be appreciated. Recently went battlefield touring around The Somme, not with a metal detector or anything like that, just to visit the places and cem

  1. #1

    Default Items found in Rossignol Wood

    Hi guys,

    First post, but some help would be appreciated. Recently went battlefield touring around The Somme, not with a metal detector or anything like that, just to visit the places and cemeteries of The Somme.

    In a brief walk around the machine gun post in Rossignol Wood we found at least three of these strange items - we understand they are British (the percussion cap is stamped "Eley London No.2 Gasticht", but what are they??

    UID Object in Rossignol Wood by SteveSmith83, on Flickr

    UID Object in Rhossignol Wood by SteveSmith83, on Flickr

    Also found this, on the surface near Thiepval Wood which we've found online to be a German grenade...was left well alone and marked for someone who knows what they're doing to deal with!!

    Thiepval by SteveSmith83, on Flickr

    Cheers guys!

  2. #2


    The first pic is of a Stokes mortar bomb. Clearly it has been fired and was a dud. Glad to hear you left them alone

    The second item is, as you say a German grenade known as a Kugel (ball) grenade.

  3. #3


    Welcome to the forum.

    SteveS doesn't say he left the Stokes mortars alone, only the grenade.

    You didn't bring those Stokes home with you did you? If you did, you need to get them handed in as a matter of urgency.

    Just one thing to be aware of when visiting France and Belgium. A few years back, all relics from WW1 and WW2 were declared property of the French state. Any item found on the surface or beneath it, with or without a metal detector, cannot be taken away. If you do take it away, it is classed as theft from the state and subject to a 3,000 euro fine, confiscation of everything you have found, AND your car, and imprisonment until you pay up.

    Last edited by Steve T; 09-15-2013 at 06:45 PM.

  4. #4


    Quote by Steve T View Post
    and imprisonment until you pay up.
    lol, I've always found these laws humorous. It's like debtors prison of old days. How the hell do you pay up when you're in prison? I've never figured out that line of thinking. Do they have bail bonds companies in France for debts?

  5. #5


    At first - don't pick up any relics from the battelfields You do not know. And the second rule - if You still decide to do it, get a good lawyer:-).

  6. #6


    Thanks for the replies. Spitace, thanks for that, nice to know what we found!

    Steve, thanks for the advice, but as I have more than half a brain, I don't need lectures on 'Not Picking Up Strange Metal Objects Found On The Ground In The Somme', but clearly someone does as they've stood it on its end! As for the suggestion I brought them home, I assume that was being facetious...

    We did also come across plenty of lumps of shrapnel and barb wire in no mans land near Thiepval.


  7. #7


    Keep in mind that if you're going to post live ordnance, you can expect warnings along with advice...These devices still maim and kill today, as we have seen happen in Finland 2 days ago, as was posted on this Forum yesterday and today...You shouldn't shrug off well-meant advice as a "lecture" designed to take a jab at your intelligence...It is out of concern for you and those around you...
    cheers, Glenn

  8. #8


    I echo bigmac's post above.

    This forum is frequented by all manner of people SteveS and it would be remiss of both myself, and the forum as a whole if we did not point out these things to new members. Some, like yourself, take offence and assume it's a lecture. Some admit to being stupid and bringing the damn things home. Some admit to not caring. As a highly respected forum with a membership which includes some of the leading experts in the world on all kinds of militaria and ordnance, this advice will always be given. How it is taken is up to you, but I urge you to see it as it is.......ensuring that you are not putting yourself or anyone else in danger.

    Sounds like you had an interesting visit to the battlefields. I hope you find your membership here as interesting and rewarding.

    And, just to make you feel a little better about my post, I too received the same kind of reply to my very first thread and, like you, took it incorrectly. I soon learnt that no offence was meant. I hope you do to.

    Oh..............and it wasn't me that mentioned strange metal objects.......

  9. #9


    People post warnings such as these from genuine Concern-and Not to belittle or humiliate the poster. Replying with a sneering and mocking response is hardly appropriate or shows little gratitude that someone you don't know and have never met that has, nonetheless, shown actual concern for a stranger and their safety.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  10. #10


    An interesting thread & items.. I do like the grenade it looks top dollar...Thanks for the pictures..Cheers Terry.

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