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New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

Article about: August or September?

  1. #1

    Default New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    Due to not many members being able to make an August Bank Hols weekend dig on the US Army Dump it maybe best idea to have another day dig on a Saturday. Can i have show of hands for Saturday 11th September 2010. As September can be either very good or very bad i think it is best we get in their early as possible and Sat 11th i hope will be ok for those who cannot make the original August B.H date. If you are able to make this date please send a message to confirm you will be there. Thanks to all and best regards, Tim.

  2. #2

    Default Re: New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    That should be ok for me.

    Is the BH stop over cancelled then ?

    Steve T

  3. #3

    Default Re: New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    DAM dam dam! Just as i come back from lanzarote ill be going on a 3 day Metal detecting rally in Oxford

  4. #4

    Default Re: New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    Quote by Steve T View Post
    That should be ok for me.

    Is the BH stop over cancelled then ?

    Steve T
    Unfortunately yes, had to re-arrange but not to worry and pray we get decent weather on 11th September and bigger turnout. Best Regards, Tim.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    Sorry Tim,
    that one I cant make, eldest boys birthday weekend.
    Pity the August BH had to be cancelled, I was looking forward to it.

    Regards etc

    Ian D

    AKA: Jimpy

  6. #6

    Default Re: New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    Hi Tim,

    I'd like to meet up with you all and come along on that dig if that's okay? I should be back in Stratford by then.



  7. #7

    Default Re: New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    Im getting abit confused. (It dosnt take much) Is this date on or off?
    I would like to come over again but wont know for if i can for sure untill a couple of days before the date.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    Can we change it to a different date so everyone can go

  9. #9

    Default Re: New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    As far as I am aware, it has changed to the August bank holiday weekend

    Regards to all, Simon.

  10. #10

    Default Re: New US Army Dump Dig Date. Sat 11th September 2010.

    I can confirm my presence, hopefully I will see you at last, everything sorted out with wife (She did regred her last decission so I have a green light to go no matter what date really. September... would it be overnight camp as well?

    All the best!


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