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Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

Article about: hi steve, Nice find ones more, you have been very lucky with your airfield. I always look forward to see what you come up with. best of luck. Dave.

  1. #1

    Default Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    Hi all

    As the title says.......what do you guys think this may be ? I found it next to a revetment at an old WW2 airfield. It was at the same depth as other relics i know are WW2 era.

    Could it be a piece off an aircraft engine ? Spitfires, Lightnings and Mustangs were all worked on in the revetment.

    Or is it just a piece of old tat that needs binning ?

    See what you think ! (the close up shot shows one of the nuts and the fact it appears to have a 'lug' on it). The pipe was in place when it was in the ground but soon came away so it may be a red herring !

    Thanks for looking


  2. #2

    Default Re: Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    I have no idea, but it is a weird looking sucker. Did you look to see if there were possibly any other related parts nearby?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    Yes packin9......had a good hunt round the area and found nothing.

    I have been looking at pictures of Merlin engines and have convinced myself i can see what looks like this piece on the bottom left side (as you look from the front) !!!

    ....but that's probably just wishful thinking


  4. #4

    Default Re: Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    I guess it would be a little hard to find. Perhaps getting rid of some of that rust might reveal something.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    I thought the front where the prop shaft went my be it. As I look again at yours, uh uh. This is a Merlin 12 cylinder. On the lower back right looks like a maybe. Looks like it goes into the fly wheel. Part of the starter?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?  

  6. #6

    Default Re: Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    Could be...could be !

    I've already cleaned ALOT of mud and stuff off. Little scared to clean deeper as it is very fragile.

    But i'll give it a go !

  7. #7

    Default Re: Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    Keep us posted. I'd like to see what it ends up looking like.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    Hi, to me it looks just like a fitting for a tank of some sort, like a fuel tank, catch can, cooling system etc, the pipe may well have been a take off or supply connection for something on an aircraft possibly.....who knows
    interesting all the same.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    Andy is right ... this is a component from an American 108 gallon drop tank ... I should know as I found a complete tank on Raydon airfield in the 1970s ...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?

    I found a similar object on my favourite airfield years ago ...and I always wondered what is was! Here's a pic of what I now know is part of a drop tank.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Piece of an aircraft or rusting chunk of rubbish ?  

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