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Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?

Article about: by GasMasksUK Coming back into the UK by ferry isnt that bad, it was pretty much a matter of staying on the bus and having a guy to come round and check the passports. No one had things conf

  1. #1

    Default Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?

    Im new to battlefield archaelogy and I hope you'll bear with some of my posts and rants.

    1. I'd like to ask if anyone has had issues with airport customs or officials when bringing in your metal detector?

    2. How about going back? Any issues bringing your ground relics? (of course no ammo), but how about other relics?

    3. Do these pieces need to be washed and cleaned up to remove traces of soil as I understand myself here in the UK, we are not allowed to bring back anything that contains soil particles.

    4. During your digs... if you're stopped by the police... what do you do? i think thats a goner? Im heading to Czech Republic. Ive heard that there're no rules against MD there, so it should be fine, but as a foreigner...things might just be different.

    Some advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?


    Check here for laws in Czechoslovakia

    Carol Marcum, c/o Czech Detecting Tours - FAQ

    Always get the land owners permission before digging. If you're in any doubt ASK the local police before you start !

    I have never used a plane to go to countries to metal detect so can't answer the other questions i am afraid. Other guys on the forum have though and I am sure they will help.

    Steve T

  3. #3

    Default Re: Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?

    Coming back into the UK by ferry isnt that bad, it was pretty much a matter of staying on the bus and having a guy to come round and check the passports. No one had things confiscated, I had a relic K98 and a friend had a selection of German, French and British grenades.



  4. #4

    Default Re: Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?


    thanks for the info, but i'll be taking the plane back. not sure if the airport officials are more strict as compared to the sea customs...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?

    I'd be very careful on the plane mate!!! You should be fine taking your metal detector through, but be prepared for heavy scrutiny on the way back!!

    If your gonna be digging up relic canteens, dog tags, buckles ect, then you'll be absolutely fine! But your bound to find bullets, spent cartridges, and maybe a relic bayonet!! These I suspect will be near impossible to get through!

    I wouldn't be too concerned about airport security over in the Czech Republic, it's the idiots over here that you need to worry about!!!! One sniff of a spent bullet cartridge and they'll have you sprawled on the floor with 4 machine guns pointed at you!! (maybe a slight exageration )

    My sister-in-law works on security at LJL Airport, and many of the post 7/7 restrictions are STILL in place!!

    It's the typical 'knee jerk' reaction of some officials in this country now I'm afraid mate! An 89 year old lady carrying a ball of wool and a knitting needle is considered Al Qaeda trained and ready to nose dive an Easy Jet plane into Downing Street!!

    Wow!! Rant over...... Sorry !

    Best of luck buddy!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?

    now you've got me worried about coming back.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?

    Quote by military View Post

    thanks for the info, but i'll be taking the plane back. not sure if the airport officials are more strict as compared to the sea customs...

    Airport secuirity is a lot more strict, I had a bullet shaped key-ring taken off me, and it was never even a bullet to start of with, just a piece of cast metal! Some things in airports are in place for reasons, but some of the laws are just crazy. Like the VCRA act where all replicas have to be painted in bright colours unless you are a member of a re-enacting group, any slightly inteligent criminal might just go to halfords and buy some black spray paint to make the gun look real again. I have no idea what they think they are preventing. The stupidist thing is that you can still buy deacts with no stupid paint etc!

    I'd adise on using the ferry, because theres weight restrictions for planes too, just incase you dig up something big and heavy, and airport baggage handlers tend to just throw your luggage around, and I've seen it happen

    Well good luck with your relic hunting



  8. #8

    Default Re: Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?

    Don't be worried mate, you've just got to be selective in what you bring back!

    Don't even bother with live bullets..... It's a five year sentence in the clink!! Again I'd be careful about spent cartridges, any other type of explosives, bayonets ect ect!!

    Like I've said, you'll be fine with relic helmets, water canteens, dog tags, buttons, buckles ect ect!

    It may pay to contact your local airport to ask what can and cannot be carried through security. Ask them a few questions.... see what's ok and what not

  9. #9

    Default Re: Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?

    Cant you post your spent casings to yourself before you leave


  10. #10

    Default Re: Problems with Customs / Officials / Police?

    Hi, did you make it to the CZ? I hope all went well, no problems except for dry, crispy

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