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Recent 8th Air Force finds from pond

Article about: Spent this weekend in a pond on one of my favourite B-24 bases ... and had some really good finds .... lots of .50 cal cases, rivets and bomb arming wires .... and the items pictured below:

  1. #1

    Default Recent 8th Air Force finds from pond

    Spent this weekend in a pond on one of my favourite B-24 bases ... and had some really good finds .... lots of .50 cal cases, rivets and bomb arming wires .... and the items pictured below: Firstly, some .50 cal flexible feed, a nicely preserved oxygen regulator and ... lastly a bomb shackle!!

    As I've said in previous posts ... transport is often a problem for me ... so if anyone would like to assist ....? I live & work in Cambridge, so I'm quite centrally placed.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Recent 8th Air Force finds from pond   Recent 8th Air Force finds from pond  

    Recent 8th Air Force finds from pond  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Recent 8th Air Force finds from pond

    Nice finds Gremlin

    Tell me.....I have tried dredging a small pond on my airbase with a grapling hook and have dragged up 12 tons of foul smelling black crap, a couple of small old oil drums, part of a feeding trough an 2 trees. I only spent an hour doing this and gave it up as a bad job.

    How do you do it ?

    If you use a grapling hook, how big and how many prongs ?


    Steve T

  3. #3

    Default Re: Recent 8th Air Force finds from pond

    Hi Steve,

    I tend to wait for the pond in question to dry out a bit .... then use a Dutch / Irish shovel (the one with the very long handle) to dig down into the sludge at the bottom of the pond .... you hit water eventually but the long handle means you don't end up submerging your arms up to the shoulders!

    I have another pond on a former USAAF fighter base which yields interesting items ... most recent is a perspex panel from the canopy of an early P-51B ...

    On a slightly less positive note ... I recently located what could well be the mother of all sites --- a pond on a former 8th Air Force base where, according to my research (and I do copious amounts of research) .... lots of stuff was dumped at the end of the war. The only catch is that when I tried to get permission for a search I was told that the owner '.... does not allow ANYONE on his land' ... ho hum!

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