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Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.

Article about: Here are the results of a recent dig, Im sorry I havent had a chance to wash them yet but thoiught you'd like to see them before washing. They came from a UK Airfield's WW2 rubbish tip. This

  1. #1

    Default Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.

    Here are the results of a recent dig, Im sorry I havent had a chance to wash them yet but thoiught you'd like to see them before washing. They came from a UK Airfield's WW2 rubbish tip. This site like many UK airfields initially had an RAF presence changing to USAF later in the war.
    I'll post more pictures of the items as I wash them, For reference I know that the rusted complicated tubular brackets come from a Waco CG4 glider. In amongst it all is the bottom of a starter cartridge, a gasket, several peices of painted aluminium some marked, ink bottles, tooth brushes, toothpaste tube, RAF marked pottery shards but theres also lots of unidentified stuff. If theres anything you see and you think you know what it could be please advise.
    Thank You.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

    Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

    Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

    Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.

    Nice finds !

    Most of it will be easier to identify when cleaned. Looks like you got bits of airframe and engine parts. I want to see what that plate has written on it so get cleaning !

    Steve T

  3. #3

    Default Re: Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.

    I've been busy today cleaning the first batch of finds. If you can identify any or provide any more information on any of these items please left me know.
    I'll list the items below followed by numbered photo's, hopefully the photo's will come out in the correct order.

    1) Fragments RAF cup and plate, 2 tooth brushes and a Shaving Cream tube.
    2) Close up shot of back of Shaving Cream tube.
    3) A detail of one of the tooth brushes 'DR WESTS MIRACLE TUFT' It's also marked 'H', I guess for hard.
    4) Unusual unidentified aluminium object?
    5) A peice of Aluminium air frame skin, it's been used for small off cuts. Marked AN-RL 025?

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

    Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

    Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

  4. #4

    Default Re: Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.

    Here's the next batch.

    6) An unidentified aluminium lid shaped object but interesting in that its marked ALCLAD 245-T. Makes me think that perhaps it was provided in sheets for use in repair of aircraft air skin and perhaps for the fabrication of parts?
    7) An aluminium instrument panel? I'm not sure whether it's part of a cockpit panel or perhaps radio equipment. Sadly it's not marked.
    8) Various finds?
    9) This is a large air valve from a tire, when I say large you'll realise when I tell you its 5cm across. It's marked SCHRADER USA. Pat No 976 4/5-2154254 *. The plastic covered metal loop is I think to discharge static? I guess aircraft wheel?
    10) A nice bakelite torch sadly it's missing the bulb and front glass but it still contains the original batteries. It could be turned on and off either by pushing the bottom knob or turning it. It's marked 'The Ridgemount Torch'?

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

    Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

    Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

  5. #5

    Default Re: Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.

    The last batch for now, but I'll post more as I carry on with the cleaning.

    11) I don't know what these caps are, perhaps you know? One is embossed with 7 AS and a number across the front but I can't read it due to corrosion.
    12) Close up of the marked one, both painted a nice shade of blue.
    13) Embossed metal plate marked ' THIS TIER ACCOMODATES US ARMY LITTERS ONLY' do you have any idea what this is from?. Perhaps for the interior of an aircraft (C47) carrying wounded back from Normandy to the UK? just an idea.
    14) Unidentified peices of ali aircraft skin, with various camo colours.
    15) Unidentified lightweight metal alloy tube, smooth bore inside. Could it be for exhaust?.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

    Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.   Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

    Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.  

  6. #6

    Default Re: Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.


    Jeez you got some GREAT stuff there.

    Views on a couple of them....

    The toothbrush is brilliant ! I really like this kind of thing. Good hygiene was always classed as the 'key to victory' in most adverts or publications about stuff the forces used. Have a look here.....


    The thing in the bottom picture looks like some kind of exhaust port. The metal looks very similar to my Merlin exhaust stubs. Double check the thing for very small and feint lettering.

    And the other thing I have a view on (I am at work at the minute so can only comment on a couple of things.....my books may identify others ) is the lovely embossed metal notice you have. I think it may well be from C-47 med-evac plane. Have a look here see what you think.......I can't see any notices like this on the photo's but i am using my crappy laptop >< .

    WW2 US Medical Research Centre :: WW2 US Army Litters

    Will post more tomorrow

    Hope this helps

    Steve T

  7. #7

    Default Re: Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.

    Another bit of help......

    ALCLAD 245-T = A specific code used to denote the specific make-up of the alloy. Unfortunately doesn't help identify the piece but it is definitely an alloy used in airframes so you are probably right in your thinking on this one

    Steve T

  8. #8

    Default Re: Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.

    Really great finds ... Like Steve I particularly like the more 'personal' items - toothbrushes, aftershave bottles, etc. etc. I usually visit former 8th Air Force bases ... so 9th A.F. C-47 bases are a bit beyond me! .... but have look at the following: Untitled Document

    You may have already visited this site ... but its very well done and has quite a bit on the C-47 and recovered items from around Ramsbury airfield.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.

    Wow Guys you've blown me away with the info, Steve T those links are superb they've gone straight into my favourites on my computer.
    Its great to be able to get a precise identification on some of these items. The link to the Dr West Tuft Toothbrush is amazing it even dates it to the War period. I was particularily lucky to get that one complete will tuft because normally they're bald, the bristles have gone!
    The website link on the US Army Litters is also great so much info and I particularily liked the picture of the interior of the C47. Next time I visit my dig site I'll be bringing back a couple of the curved airframe peices shown behind the stretchers. Sadly I had to leave them behind this time because with all my other finds I couldn't lift my bag.
    Also thank to you gremlin for the link to the book, I'm going to treat myself, it looks very interesting and I like to see the period pictures. Sadly I haven't visited Ramsbury before but perhaps after reading the book and learning its history, I could take a trip down to see if I can get any period photo's matched up with todays view.
    Thanks again for all your help.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Recent finds from a WW2 UK Airfield.


    Check this page out......I think I found the patent for your valve (but i may have read the Patent number off the item wrong )


    Steve T

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