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RZM tea,snaps,etc cup

Article about: my new toy for morning cofee.just few hours since it,s mine.bought from diggers-as they explaind,cup was found in kurland pocket.for me even no mather wehre it,s found-i just like it..please

  1. #1

    Default RZM tea,snaps,etc cup

    my new toy for morning cofee.just few hours since it,s mine.bought from diggers-as they explaind,cup was found in kurland pocket.for me even no mather wehre it,s found-i just like it..please can somebody give me eny info about this producer by marking
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture RZM tea,snaps,etc cup   RZM tea,snaps,etc cup  

    RZM tea,snaps,etc cup   RZM tea,snaps,etc cup  

    RZM tea,snaps,etc cup   RZM tea,snaps,etc cup  

    RZM tea,snaps,etc cup   RZM tea,snaps,etc cup  

    RZM tea,snaps,etc cup  

  2. #2

    Default Re: RZM tea,snaps,etc cup

    to Phil-actualy i dont know other cups like that.but there is coming out from different places:attic,ground,barns,etc:time to time things like that-cups,ammo shields -remade to shutglasses etc ,made by soldiers cause nothing else to do.maybe this cup is something like that,but i,ll try to find out.probably hospital had no enough such inventory,and some responsible by order or without made these markings.....?????actualy i dont know,enything is possible,especialy at the end of the war-german war machine start to crumbling-sometimes our legioners even had no boots,so i dont talk even about all other soldiers equipment.WHOO KNOW,S

  3. #3

    Default Re: RZM tea,snaps,etc cup

    I belive that You need only a cup, a hammer, stamps and 5 minutes to make it:-). It is almost impossible to say was it made in 1944 or 2012. If You got it directly from a diggers You know and for cheap price it can aslo be an original.

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