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Unknow piece found at Bois du Jacques

Article about: Just back from a few days of Luxembourg and hopped into Bois du Jacques, because I never been there before. When walking through the woods I found this piece which I can't identify. The thin

  1. #1

    Default Unknow piece found at Bois du Jacques

    Just back from a few days of Luxembourg and hopped into Bois du Jacques, because I never been there before. When walking through the woods I found this piece which I can't identify. The thing clear parts say:

    HAND GRENADE MK ...... CON...

    Can't make anymore of this. Perhaps this'll help a bit:

    So what is it?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Unknow piece found at Bois du Jacques

    Personally, I think it may be the cap/lid from an M41 Grenade container. This would have carried a mkII frag grenade.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Unknow piece found at Bois du Jacques

    Yep, it's the lid from an M41 grenade container, alright. I have one sitting right here.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Unknow piece found at Bois du Jacques

    Thank you guys!


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