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US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

Article about: by jimpy I have typed the wording down exactly as I can read it off the stencil. If I cant make out a letter/number, I have put a ? in place. Thanks Ian, These are in the list as: 3788900 Su

  1. #1

    Default US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    Due to the success of the dig of Saturday 15th May, would anyone be able to make say a weekender on the August Bank Holiday? Just an idea as i can ask Mrs Bomford about setting up a camp area in a field of her convienience where we could set up tents etc. A few barbecues could be brought along and what with good digging and few beers thrown in later might be good idea! Would be great to get everyone together again and maybe even get a JCB up there. Its just an idea and as ive said the more who can make it the better the results will be! Also very interesting was that 20-mm Oerlikon MK2 shell casing found in the bank above the stream. The Americans used that type of weapon extensively in the light Anti Aircraft role in WW2 but mainly in Naval applications. I wonder if they had any in use in the Flak role at Honeybourne OTU? as that was a fired case. Would be the dogs cahoonas to find one of the drum mags from one of those weapons. That one piece has confirmed what id been thinking all along that there were a variation of weapons and/or components disposed of there. who knows what else is there. Let me know your thoughts on this one guys as can allways arrange weekend date to suit everyone. Thought August BH would be good as its couple of months away and would give some notice, if no we can sort another to suit us all. Regards All and thanks again as you were all a great bunch of guys! Tim.

  2. #2

    Default Re: US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    Cheers Tim, The idea sounds good
    Regards, Simon.

  3. #3

    Default Re: US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    i am planning a trip home to the UK around that time, would it be possible to join you guys for a day. Bear in mind i will not have anything with me to dog. A bit difficult explaining getting shovels and the like through customs.


  4. #4

    Default Re: US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    I think the date is great BUT......surely we could get a visit in before then as well ?

    Don't forget guys that this is a public forum and it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the place is being cleared as we write !

    I would suggest an earlier trip, maybe around 20th - 27th June.


    Steve T

  5. #5

    Default Re: US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    Tim, how about getting permission to dig round the old runways and service areas?
    Regards, Simon.

  6. #6

    Default Re: US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    Good idea SW. You will find some stuff there, especially if they serviced aircraft in the bays. Mainly though you tend to find spent cartridge cases.

    Another good place to search is around where the old barrack buildings were sited. This is where you will find the personal items that are so interesting.....toiletries, bits of kit, coins etcc....

    Steve T

  7. #7

    Default Re: US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    Scrub that. Just looked on google earth and the big mess huts, HQ, dance hall and briefing rooms are still in use

    I'll see if I can find a plan of the airfield to check if there are other sites. There normally are.

    Steve T

  8. #8

    Default Re: US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    Count me in on both counts guys!
    I should be able to borrow a tent from one of my sons and will hopefully have my own MD again by then.

    Regards etc

    Ian D

    AKA: Jimpy

  9. #9

    Default Re: US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    Sounds fantastic i am well up for going again

  10. #10

    Default Re: US Army Dump Dig AUGUST DATE??

    Jimpy, you going ? Great, I'll bring me chair, sit back, and let 'The Engineers' do all the hard work
    On a serious note, do you think we can put our plan into action by then, and get some 'well fit staff in bikinis' to do the digging for us, with us sitting back whilst the finds are brought to us
    Regards to all, Simon.

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