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US Army Dumping Ground.

Article about: HELLO Everyone, I had to abandon the proposed dig on the US Army supplies dumping ground planned for Saturday. A few members had hoped to be able to make it but couldnt and a pal who was goi

  1. #1

    Default US Army Dumping Ground.

    HELLO Everyone,

    I had to abandon the proposed dig on the US Army supplies dumping ground planned for Saturday. A few members had hoped to be able to make it but couldnt and a pal who was going to come rang me and told me he couldnt make it, without metal detectors i would have been blind digging so decided to leave it for another time now. The following pictures represent a tiny amount of the many and varied finds that are coming out of the ground there, and will give an idea of the great condition of many of the finds. I have found aircraft engine valves, 40mm Bofors projectiles, aircraft rivet guns, burnt remains of tunics and brass tunic buttons, cartridge casings plus good load of unidentified stuff. The view photo is taken from the Luftwaffe bomb crater and the tree line is where most of the items are found, but who knows what lies beneath other parts of the field or surrounding fields as i havent looked in the others yet but the prognosis for more interestinf stuff looks very promising. Thanks to all those who are still interested and hope we get something sorted again soon. Regards, Tim.
    Last edited by Falschirmjager; 04-28-2010 at 07:35 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: US Army Dumping Ground.

    Good job. Continue to do this.

  3. #3

    Default Re: US Army Dumping Ground.

    Quote by Sebastien View Post
    Good job. Continue to do this.
    Hi there, Thanks for the encouragement as im still very much a novice and this is the only digging ive done to date. I would just love to find something big, as tanks and aero engines, and jeeps lie buried there somewhere and just maybe with the right group of people such as members of this site might just find them. Id be happy just having the day out and give any members a free reign to roam the site and see what they find. Good thing is im good friends with the owners and can go anytime. Cheers loads and regards, Tim.

  4. #4

    Default Re: US Army Dumping Ground.

    Tim, good luck with the dig when you finally get going. Old military dumps thankfuly are plenty on this small island and as you have already found, great for the artefacts (morphine ampules intact though? woah.)

    I'm hoping to cast a detector around a friends field in the near future as it was a reserve landing field during both the wars. (That is if I put the rifle down and leave the bunnies alone long enough!).

    Keep us posted!

  5. #5

    Default Re: US Army Dumping Ground.

    Nice items you got there!

  6. #6

    Default Re: US Army Dumping Ground.

    Nice findings keep it going

  7. #7

    Default Re: US Army Dumping Ground.

    Wow the meds are still in the bottle! That's pretty neat stuff you found there.


  8. #8

    Default Re: US Army Dumping Ground.

    Terrific stuff............and in relatively good condition !
    The vials and medical items are beautiful finds ! !

    With bits like this coming out of the ground,
    you are sure to find lots of other things, magnificent things !

    Keep it up !

    Regards, Steve.

  9. #9

    Default Re: US Army Dumping Ground.

    If your finding items like this without a metal detector, I think your really onto something at this site, most have had the easy pickings removed over the last 60 years by kids and field walkers, plus the kind of finds your getting are quite unusual, WWII blank dog tags, and that inspectors stamp are real gems.

    "Now, I've designed this like a collapsing bag ! "

  10. #10

    Default Re: US Army Dumping Ground.

    Quote by Nige H View Post
    If your finding items like this without a metal detector, I think your really onto something at this site, most have had the easy pickings removed over the last 60 years by kids and field walkers, plus the kind of finds your getting are quite unusual, WWII blank dog tags, and that inspectors stamp are real gems.

    I wasnt really sure if this kind of stuff would be of any interest to anyone. I found so much of this kind of thing i even reburied some, just took few bits home with me. I once found a pocket watch in superb condition but minus one of its hands. Was told it could be repaired and made to work the condition was that good. Luckily access to the site is secure so no kiddies can get onto it etc. Id really like to share this site with members of the forum. Im hoping to go on Saturday 8th May and any members are most welcome to come. Theres sure some special stuff there and im sure with even minimal effort it can be found as the topsoil placed over the dump is very loose and peaty in most areas. Saying that items have been found out in the middle of the field. The glass phials i have found-some contain saline fluid others such as the small ones might well be morphine. I even found a urine sample complete and sealed up! The finds are in such superb undamaged condition its hard to beleive. Must get a big group of guys up there soon and see if we can hit the jackpot though! regards, Tim.

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