HELLO Everyone,
I had to abandon the proposed dig on the US Army supplies dumping ground planned for Saturday. A few members had hoped to be able to make it but couldnt and a pal who was going to come rang me and told me he couldnt make it, without metal detectors i would have been blind digging so decided to leave it for another time now. The following pictures represent a tiny amount of the many and varied finds that are coming out of the ground there, and will give an idea of the great condition of many of the finds. I have found aircraft engine valves, 40mm Bofors projectiles, aircraft rivet guns, burnt remains of tunics and brass tunic buttons, cartridge casings plus good load of unidentified stuff. The view photo is taken from the Luftwaffe bomb crater and the tree line is where most of the items are found, but who knows what lies beneath other parts of the field or surrounding fields as i havent looked in the others yet but the prognosis for more interestinf stuff looks very promising. Thanks to all those who are still interested and hope we get something sorted again soon. Regards, Tim.