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varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.

Article about: Dear friends hello. Here is various buttons of British Regiments of 1940, that I found in search (excavations) on the sector dunkerquois during the years.

  1. #1

    Default varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.

    Dear friends hello.
    Here is various buttons of British Regiments of 1940, that I found in search (excavations) on the sector dunkerquois during the years.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.   varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.  

    varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.   varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.  

    varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.   varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.  

    varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.  

  2. #2

    Default Re: varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.

    Very nice collection,did you find anything from the Germans (les Boches) ?

  3. #3

    Default Re: varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.

    Interesting to hear the nicknames which was given to the enemy- like ( Les Boches)

    my Skype: warrelics

  4. #4

    Default Re: varions button britanique,relics off dynamo.

    hello,To answer Zweerge, I found in search(excavation) of buttons German, only two models, BASIC, without interrĂȘt.


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