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Waterloo battle field?

Article about: Hello Ladies & Gents.. I was wondering if anybody on here knows anything about battlefield tours around the Waterloo area? the Missus & me are of to Europe in the summer & would

  1. #1

    Default Waterloo battle field?

    Hello Ladies & Gents..

    I was wondering if anybody on here knows anything about battlefield tours around the Waterloo area? the Missus & me are of to Europe in the summer & would like to spend a day around this area..If anybody knows the most interesting parts of the area & cares to share with me that would be great...thank you for your help & time Terry & Aly

  2. #2

    Default Re: Waterloo battle field?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Waterloo battle field?

    Cheers Gary some mixed reviews there!!..Sounds like a place you need to research before going! otherwise it comes off a little boring..I will research & look into various places... Thanks again Gary, Cheers Terry.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Waterloo battle field?

    Try to be there on sunday; there is a intresting flee market on a mega store parking in Waterloo.
    You never know!
    If you want to see Napoleon's hat; you have to be in Antwerp, on a temporarly exhib!
    .....(he's "willie" is here on the forum some where!!....) ;-)
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  5. #5

    Default Re: Waterloo battle field?

    I read the thread on his "bits"..slightly different me thinks?? lol..Not going to be on a Sunday it's going to be a Tuesday which is a shame!!...but will still make the most of it lol Cheers Terry.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Waterloo battle field?

    don't miss the Houghmont,you can still see the bullet holes in the wall,and you can go inside the grounds.A MUST.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Waterloo battle field?

    ps.srry for the spelling.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Waterloo battle field?

    Roger that Harry, I will look for that place..I'm doing research as we speak!! so I am getting there Thanks again Terry.

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