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Who is/are Extreme relic hunters?

Article about: I have seen them quoted but I was curious who they are. Are they black diggers, fantasists or what?

  1. #1

    Default Who is/are Extreme relic hunters?

    I have seen them quoted but I was curious who they are. Are they black diggers, fantasists or what?

  2. #2


    The "founders" of ERH was all raided some time ago because they had been digging protected sites
    Last edited by inka; 08-13-2019 at 09:27 AM.


  3. #3

  4. #4


    Quote by inka View Post
    The "founders" of ERH was all raided some time ago because they had been digging protected sites,,I d call them Black Diggers yesHaving met a couple of them as well in person I can say they was not very nice guys at all..
    Thanks Inka, I was curious because I believe one of them had published a book on German dog tags, but some of the photos came from ebay I think, so I just thought he was passing these off as his own finds.

  5. #5


    duplicate post sorry

  6. #6


    And I have known Dan for many years, as usual, the press take great joy in labelling people wrongly

  7. #7


    I think you are confusing these people with someone else. Thanks for the reply. Sorry John, I started to reply but you had edited your post. Enough said, has anyone seen their dogtag book?
    Last edited by BlackCat1982; 11-16-2016 at 03:43 PM. Reason: update comment

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