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WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !

Article about: Hey guys I keep thinking that 'my' airbase must be just about clear of finds now........but every visit brings up more items, time after time ! I am sure at some point I will have cleared th

  1. #1

    Default WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !

    Hey guys

    I keep thinking that 'my' airbase must be just about clear of finds now........but every visit brings up more items, time after time !

    I am sure at some point I will have cleared the bloody place. Until then I shall keep going back and doing what needs to be done......... digging up the relics before they are lost forever !

    I have put together a video of some of the digging in action as I was able to take my camera with me this time.

    YouTube - WW2 relic hunting WW2 airbase Nov 2009

    Managed to capture some cool stuff coming out the ground.

    Anyway, onto the finds. As with my last trip, a couple of my finds are absolute CORKERS !! Hope you like them.

    Firstly, everything I found before any cleaning.

    And now after cleaning and disposal of hunks of crap and modern junk.

    And now the finds in detail.

    Firstly, bits of pipe found at the same depth as other stuff I know is WW2. The pipes are made from a very light alloy and are possibly from an engine of some sort. Normally I'd chuck these kind of finds away but you never know....

    Now a couple of bits of airframe. No markings on either I am afraid but the smaller piece has the remains of paint on both sides.

    A door handle (found right next to a squadron hut so probably from that), an electrical connector of some sort and a strange object with four 'plastic' type bits on each corner. Any clue anyone ?

    Ok, now the really juicy stuff. Firstly, it was a day for finding drop tank filler caps. Four of them

    The cartridges are still coming thick and fast as well. A few .50cals and a .303 to start......

    And now two complete 20mm cartridges and 3 bits. The odd thing about the bits is that they are unfired, leading me to believe they were in the process of being made into trench art before being discarded. One of them even has a hack saw cut near the base !

    Now my two corking finds.

    Firstly a 1943 Ha'penny and with it, a lovely little cigarette lighter. Unfortunately the lid is jammed in place and it'll break if I try and remove it. I have identified the brand though and it was definitely one of the aircrews personal belongings ....right era, right place, right material !

    And lastly my best find of the day.

    Couldn't believe the condition of this when I took it out of the ground. Just a shame that the contents weren't still inside !

    A lovely 1st aid tin, US Govt, 'Carlisle Model'

    Not a bad haul considering I have calculated I have now spent a total of around 38 hours searching this airbase and 28hrs searching the crew quarters !!!

    Doesn't time fly when you're having fun

    Steve T
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !   WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !  

    WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !   WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !  

    WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !   WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !  

    WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !   WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !  

    WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !   WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !  

  2. #2

    Default Re: WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !


    This is all well and good but what is 'Time Team' going to do 200 years from now?

    Nice finds.


  3. #3

    Default Re: WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !

    probably recover Steve Ts mortal remains from his airfield site!!!
    great finds again........

  4. #4

    Default Re: WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !

    super finds again steve

  5. #5

    Default Re: WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !

    Quote by jock auld View Post

    This is all well and good but what is 'Time Team' going to do 200 years from now?

    Nice finds.

    ....visit my great great great grandsons house and ask him to have a look at his warehouse full of WW2 relics. Easy

  6. #6

    Default Re: WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !

    I was showing my mother the above finds last night when, without prompting, she made an observation.

    The 'door handle' she took one look at and said.....'Oh ! A handle off one of those old fashioned pencil sharpeners.'

    What do you guys think ?

    Steve T

  7. #7

    Default Re: WW2 Airbase - Some cracking finds !

    Love the aircraft parts ! !

    The handle could indeed be from a pencil sharpener.....
    - nicer to think it may be to open and close a
    perspex canopy though ! !

    Nice finds, Steve !



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