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WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.

Article about: Hi. I metal detect in Norfolk England. All the above relics have been found scattered over 3 joining fields. I guess there was either an air explosion or collision during WW2. Can anybody pl

  1. #1

    Default WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.

    Hi. I metal detect in Norfolk England. All the above relics have been found scattered over 3 joining fields. I guess there was either an air explosion or collision during WW2.

    Can anybody please help me potentially identify what aircraft they may have come from?

    Cheers. Jim.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.   WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.  

    WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.   WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.  

    WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.   WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.  

  2. #2


    I'd hazard a guess at it being a British bomber of some kind, as there are both .303 and .50BMG casings in amongst that lot.

    Regards, B.B.

  3. #3


    There's actually a mix of 303 and American .30 and .50 Calibre cartridges as well as aircraft wreckage. I see a possible engine starter cartridge part, the circular cartridge end that is around 1 inch in diameter. There is part of the fuel mixture control and othe parts from cockpit controls but I can't see anything that identifies the aircraft for sure.

  4. #4


    I fould this broken aluminium piece yesterday.. Appx 14 inch long with a curve.. Any I'd on this piece?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.   WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.  

    WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.  

  5. #5


    Certainly US Oxygen Regulator .as per attached photo and your item.

    Cheers Mike
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.   WW2 Aircraft crash relics for help is please.  

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