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AK 47 (Bosnian?) bayonet and Chassepot Bayonet

Article about: Hey guys I was meaning to post this earlier as you have always given me great info on my purchases. I recently bought a chassepot: what can you tell me about what is written on it and its ra

  1. #1

    Default AK 47 (Bosnian?) bayonet and Chassepot Bayonet

    Hey guys I was meaning to post this earlier as you have always given me great info on my purchases.

    I recently bought a chassepot: what can you tell me about what is written on it and its rarity ? I really liked the yataghan look which is why I had to buy it!

    I bought the AK47 while travelling through Bosnia, and I have no clue what the markings mean, who made this bayonet what era etc? ALL information is welcome anything you know! It's matching numbers so I'm pleased with that!

  2. #2


    I'm almost sure the AK bayo is one from the old JNA (Yugoslavian national army) days!....

  3. #3


    Hello Wolfang the writing on your chassepot will be the arsenal it was made in and the year. Its hard to read yours so here you can compare it to these on this great site
    The 1866 Chassepot

    Semper Fi

  4. #4
    SRB is offline


    not AK bayonet and not bosnian ............its yugoslavian AP M70 bayonet. K is for approval commission.

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