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Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

Article about: Hello All I recently came into possession of this bayonet as my grand father left it in his will, I had no idea he had this or where he got it from, he served in 2nd world war for Britain bu

  1. #1

    Default Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    Hello All

    I recently came into possession of this bayonet as my grand father left it in his will, I had no idea he had this or where he got it from, he served in 2nd world war for Britain but I think the bayonet is german but I am not 100% certain to be honest.

    I have included photos to help identify the bayonet.

    With regards specifici markings, the hilt of the bayonet states R.14.62 yet on the scabbard or sheathe it states R.12.172, I am assuming this means this bayonet did not originally come with this sheathe?

    The only other marking is on the blade itself it says Seommerda.

    Any help identifying this bayonet would be greatly appreciated if only to better understand its history as my grand father didnt mention this to me at all and I am interested as to where it comes from.

    Cheers in advance,

    ShayCan someone help me identify this bayonet?Can someone help me identify this bayonet?Can someone help me identify this bayonet?Can someone help me identify this bayonet?Can someone help me identify this bayonet?Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    I believe this is a World War I German mauser bayonet. I also believe that the markings that you mention are actually the unit that the German soldier who had this bayonet belonged to.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    Could it be Czechoslovakian?

    I stand corrected. That lug confused me. My apologies.
    Last edited by MrMosel; 05-29-2012 at 02:27 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    Wow cheers for that Joe T, I have no idea what he was doing with a WW1 bayonet as I mentioned he served in WW2 but he must have had it longer than that.

    Thank you.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    I honestly have no idea MrMosel my grandfather didnt speak at all about his parents I was told not to ask, my surname is Cooper though and as far as I am aware the family orginated from Britain so I would hazard a guess this was not passed down from his father or grandfather.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    I know your dilemma. I too had a bayonet a while back that I bought at a junk shop, which proved to be not what I thought it was. On the matter of surnames my family also hails from England as least my fathers side, my mother's family all hailed from Germany. Hopefully everything turns out and it's German. Good Luck.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    My quick little attempt at research tells me that it may be Bavarian. Used in WWI, picked up by a relative and then passed down to your grandpa and eventually to you? Or perhaps it was issued to a member of the German Volksturm in WWII and your grandpa took it home as a souvenir?

    I am not totally 100% sure as it what it is. But I am willing to bet that more experienced members will come along soon to help you out!

    Welcome to the forum, by the way!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    From what I can find this is a converted S 71/84 bayonet now known as a S 84/98 aA,it was produced in Soemmerda near Erfurt Germany by Rather Metallwerke..but I could be wrong....Pete.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    zerge is correct it's Kaiser Germany 71/84 converted to 84/98 aka 1st type of 98s

    Infantry.14th regiment. 62 unit(battalion)

    it's ww1 piece. Almost impossible to get in ww2 days
    Last edited by ph3s; 05-29-2012 at 10:24 AM.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Can someone help me identify this bayonet?

    Thanks for the welcome to the forum Gizmo8z and thanks for the help in identifying what my grandfather left me to both Zerge and ph3s, much appreciated, wish my granddad told me he had this as I am curious how he came about it even more so now lol. Some mysteries will never be solved I guess, cheers once again people.

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