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Chassepot bayonet

Article about: What does everyone think of my chassepot bayonet. It’s from St. Etienne and was made in 1867. Sorry for the poor picture quality.

  1. #1

    Default Chassepot bayonet

    What does everyone think of my chassepot bayonet. It’s from St. Etienne and was made in 1867. Sorry for the poor picture quality.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Chassepot bayonet   Chassepot bayonet  

    Chassepot bayonet   Chassepot bayonet  

  2. #2


    I like the look of these bayonets. Amazing how common they are, considering they are well over a hundred years old. I see spare scabbards pop up for these quite frequently if it didn’t come with one.

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