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German ? Bayonet help

Article about: Hi, I've inherited a bayonet & I'm stumped with it. It's in poor condition due to it being in a loft for over 40 years but I its German and that's about as much as I know or can find out

  1. #1

    Default German ? Bayonet help

    Hi, I've inherited a bayonet & I'm stumped with it. It's in poor condition due to it being in a loft for over 40 years but I its German and that's about as much as I know or can find out.
    There are no markings except the one in the photo so if anyone can tell me what it is and what the marks refer to that would be great.

  2. #2


    Unfortunately it doesn't look like your photo uploaded. If you can get that issue figured out, I'm sure someone can help you identify the bayonet you are talking about.

    Best regards- Jarret

  3. #3

    Default German ? Bayonet help

    Hi, hopefully these photos are clear enough

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture German ? Bayonet help   German ? Bayonet help  

  4. #4


    I have a 1908 Brazilian Mauser bayonet with this same maker.

    Could you upload a full view shot of the whole bayonet? That would help a ton with identifying what you have.

    Best regards- Jarret

  5. #5


    Well that would be Prussian Imperial era fraktur marks, used by inspectors in the W.K. & C. factory, but with out a few more photographs we are left guessing what bayonet you are talking about.

  6. #6

    Default German ? Bayonet help

    As mentioned earlier, this is in quite a poor condition. The blade length is 14 inches.

    Thank you for helping !
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture German ? Bayonet help   German ? Bayonet help  

    German ? Bayonet help   German ? Bayonet help  

  7. #7


    Thanks for the extra photos, it is a S1898/05 bayonet, sometimes called a butcher bayonet. I've seen worse condition.

  8. #8


    Many thanks for the information. I saw the butcher blades but assumed that they had serrated edges.


  9. #9


    Some had the sawback, some didn't.

  10. #10


    Many thanks for the information. I saw the butcher blades but assumed that they had serrated edges.


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