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Mark «C&G» on the bayonet Chassepot. Who the producer?

Article about: The marking is on the back of the blade. There are no other marks. Thanks for any help or opinions.

  1. #1

    Default Mark «C&G» on the bayonet Chassepot. Who the producer?

    The marking is on the back of the blade.
    There are no other marks.
    Thanks for any help or opinions.
    Mark «C&G» on the bayonet Chassepot.  Who the producer?

  2. #2


    before 1870, state companies were not able to produce the enormous quantity of bayonets for the army
    then, they ordered private companies or foreign

    I ask for C & G stamp..........

    Nouvelle page 1


  3. #3


    Agree with you. But who exactly? I suggested two versions: 1- "Clark & Green", 2 - Cooper & Goodman, Birmingham?

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