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Please help identify old bayonet

Article about: Hello, Can you please help me identify this bayonet? I have searched the web and in a facebook group people posted pictures with look-alike bayonets but none of them match.

  1. #11


    And even one question how thick is the crosspiece?
    23,3mm would be real for chinese copy of Czechoslovak Vz23, but influenced by FN deliveries, as normally the blade by Vz23 long should be 400mm which here is missing more as 25mm which i dont believe was removed. Problem is here too the crosspiece is too high on side of edge, by Mauser 98 would be the barell ring max 6mm over blade, which is here more, is possible the bayonet was used with chinese version of Gew88 rifle with higher positioned ring.All in case the crosspiece is period there and not replaced. Fullers would be not different as here on both side of blade by european production. Problem is too that with blade was filed, sanded, blued and done various things, i personally dont see any marking there, there would be some remains probably visible.

  2. #12


    I will measure the cross piece later at home, i think it had some filing/sanding markings also
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Please help identify old bayonet   Please help identify old bayonet  

    Please help identify old bayonet  

  3. #13


    The 6,8mm crosspiece is typical by FN export production, but the shape of fullers are not consistent with belgian production, so it should be mostly a copy of FN export piece with lenght of 38,5cm, which is one of the common bayonets, most real was it produced by China in late 30ies prior end of 40ies. They made copies of all bayonets that they got from various countries. The scabbard is here wrong as already mentioned for french Berthier M92 or M92/16 Artill.Musqueton.
    Belgium - M1924 Mauser Export Bayonet
    The chinese copied the design from various modells, the 23,3mm blade would be typical for CS Vz.23 long, but not other details.

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