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Please help identify old bayonet

Article about: Hello, Can you please help me identify this bayonet? I have searched the web and in a facebook group people posted pictures with look-alike bayonets but none of them match.

  1. #1

    Default Please help identify old bayonet


    Can you please help me identify this bayonet?
    I have searched the web and in a facebook group people posted pictures with look-alike bayonets but none of them match.

    Please help identify old bayonetPlease help identify old bayonetPlease help identify old bayonetPlease help identify old bayonetPlease help identify old bayonetPlease help identify old bayonetPlease help identify old bayonet

  2. #2


    Firstly i assume the both parts are not from same bayonet, scabbard is clearly Berthier M1892, but the blade looks like FN export piece, which was shortened on pommel. the crosspiece barell ring was cut off same as the end of pommel with rifle adapter slot, the grips are new with new not period screws, it could be the blade is a chinese FN M24 copy, normally the blade was 38,5cm long. Maybe could help looking at tang of bayonet under grips and measuring the width of blade near crosspiece.
    Scabbard should be on this bayonet.
    m1892 Berthier

  3. #3


    I can only agree with Andy, French scabbard and a modified M1924 bayonet of some sort. I have no clue what the purpose of the modification was, but it appears quite well done. It is a bit long to be used as a fighting knife…

  4. #4


    Modification is because bayonets were banned here so it was modifi-or give away i suppose but the blade actually has the 2 pins-rivets if i look closely under reflection.. it might be it! I will research this a little, umscrew the holders ect.
    What might be the price if it is the m1892 Berthier?

  5. #5


    The 2 rivets and it seems in the blood vein the hole has been patched. Also the marking on the blade removed.
    How can i get this to show more? What chemicals to use maybe? I will ask at work also, we do stuff with stsinless steel but our sharpener might kmow a thing or two..

    Please help identify old bayonetPlease help identify old bayonetPlease help identify old bayonet

  6. #6


    Some more photos of other side where the extra groove is and the marking should be on the blade:

    Please help identify old bayonetPlease help identify old bayonet

  7. #7


    I don’t think it was a Berthier bayonet. To begin with, that has a longer blade, and there are more differences. Have a close look here: French M1892 First Pattern Unaltered Mannlicher Berthier Bayonet | Bygone Blades

  8. #8


    I already asked, measure the width and thickness of blade on crossguard, secondly remove the screws and new grips and made photos of the tang under it, the thickness of tang should be measured too. On the blade it looks there were not any stamps.
    In case the part of pommel is there remained and is angled and the configuration is that the blade has a upper edge is mostly a chinese copy of Vz23 bayonet/FN 24 long version, the fullers end on both side of blade are different here.
    Someone already sharpened the blade here.

  9. #9


    My bayonet blade has been sanded down/thinned, by that the blade got lighter and shorter.
    The semi-circles have also been sanded down(small indentations remain on exactly the same spot where the semi-circles were).
    By making it thinner the serial number and the mark on the blade have been removed. The fuller on the spine is removed.
    The fullers on both side has the style preserved(at the tip it turns a little up(the groove end not in center of fuller) and on the hand side the groove goes toward the sharp edge.
    The blades thickness at the grip is 6.2mm from cutting edge side and 6.5mm measured from the spine.
    Heigth 23.1mm
    Measured at the grip: 23.3mm heigth.
    The grips have been glued, can not open without damaging the grips.

  10. #10


    One side of blade has been sanded more.
    Oh and the blade has been handed down many generations in my family..

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