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private purchased German WWI Armeedolch

Article about: Wanna show you an interesting German WWI Armeedolch. Daggers with such a kind version of the blade are rather seldom seen ... overall lenght: 259 mm blade lenght: 153 mm

  1. #1

    Default private purchased German WWI Armeedolch

    private purchased German WWI Armeedolchprivate purchased German WWI Armeedolchprivate purchased German WWI Armeedolchprivate purchased German WWI Armeedolchprivate purchased German WWI Armeedolchprivate purchased German WWI Armeedolch

    Wanna show you an interesting German WWI Armeedolch.

    Daggers with such a kind version of the blade are rather seldom seen ...

    overall lenght: 259 mm
    blade lenght: 153 mm

  2. #2

    Default Re: private purchased German WWI Armeedolch

    Great condition-I wouldn't think that many survive in this shape.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  3. #3

    Default Re: private purchased German WWI Armeedolch

    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    Great condition-I wouldn't think that many survive in this shape.
    Many do not...I have just spent most of the evening repairing (or should that be putting back together again, Humpty Dumpty style !) the leather part of my DEMAG crank handle scabbard....it literally fell to bits as I picked it up earlier today !
    Reibert, another great Armeedolch you have there ! very nice !
    Prost ! Steve.

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