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fake black SS officer's cap, a Janke I presume.

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  1. #1

    Default fake black SS officer's cap, a Janke I presume.

    From elsewhere, Germany, actually come these images of mayhem. fake black SS officer's cap, a Janke I presume.fake black SS officer's cap, a Janke I presume.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement fake black SS officer's cap, a Janke I presume.
    Join Date

  3. #2


    By the way, I am not really asking for an opinion here, either.

  4. #3


    Not a opinion but the tag is a give away.

    [h=3]e plu·ri·bus u·num[/h]

  5. #4


    Quote by Eric Zentner View Post
    Not a opinion but the tag is a give away.

    Yes, you are right, but it is an above average and modernized fake.

  6. #5


    Threads like this are always enlightening for me. I am a lamb to the slaughter when it comes to SS caps.
    Thanks FB.

  7. #6


    Oil clothe is enough tag is bad.
    Correct me if wrong..................

    [h=3]e plu·ri·bus u·num[/h]

  8. #7


    Quote by Eric Zentner View Post
    Oil clothe is enough tag is bad.
    Correct me if wrong..................

    The tag has details in error, but is far better than other, earlier (?) fakes of which I am aware.

    If you look closely at the exterior image, you will also see many errors, too.

    All too droll.

    - - ------- - -

    Quote by SteveR View Post
    Threads like this are always enlightening for me. I am a lamb to the slaughter when it comes to SS caps.
    Thanks FB.
    If you use the material we have proffered here, you cannot easily go wrong.

  9. #8


    I didn't think you needed an opinion F-B.

  10. #9


    Are there any real ss caps with a green lining? I might be seriously forgetting but I only remember seeing only one other cap with a green lining and it was imperial.

  11. #10


    Quote by harryamb2 View Post
    I didn't think you needed an opinion F-B.
    I am stating that the cap is fake. If this statement offends someone, such is never my intent, but I cannot control or otherwise direct the emotions of the unseen persons to the mayhem and confusion of the detritus of total war. War, as Clausewitz reminds us, is the realms of anger and hatred, chance and probability as well as some political purpose. Especially the dimensions of anger and hatred infect militaria sites, since the digital age enlarges and amplifies too many things that should remain below the salt. Es ist halt so.

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