Frontiersmen HistorianI have had this Beret and Bullion Cap Badge for many years and can not find another example quite like it any info on the capbadge its origin and age would be apprecated I do not believe the cap badge is not original to the beret .The unit has existed for many a year and is highly regarded by some and treated with great disdain by others I have researched the unit from its begining and have found that they served with great distinction in WW1 they were the first British troops to see action in 1914 before the war was actually declared ,The Manchester troop, who sailed across the channel with there own horses and at there own expense served with the Third Belgian Lancers. They have always been a volunteer unit and still exist to this day as a uniformed reserve force .There is so much information out there about them it would be hard to list it all here I have supplied a link at the top of the post one of many that I could find any and all comments are welcome.
Regards Mark K