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Swedish Navy Caps

Article about: Got these two Swedish Navy Caps. I'm missing the designation on the oldest one. It should be from the 1940's. It has an embroidered emblem, and no markings inside. The second one, should as

  1. #1
    Syd is offline

    Default Swedish Navy Caps

    Got these two Swedish Navy Caps.

    I'm missing the designation on the oldest one. It should be from the 1940's. It has an embroidered emblem, and no markings inside.

    The second one, should as I've been told, be from 1965, and the emblem be a M/1948.

    Any help would be appriciated.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Swedish Navy Caps   Swedish Navy Caps  

    Swedish Navy Caps   Swedish Navy Caps  

  2. #2


    Nice hats, I don´t know much about Swedish uniforms, but I am Swedish and there are some clues in the second hat :-) There is a name label inside with the guys family name, Lundbladh I think it reads. And then there is his personal number which everybody in Sweden gets from birth.
    470421-695, so the guy is born 1947 on the 21 st of April and now comes the clue - the last three 695 numbers (which are some social security numbers) are three and not four which it is today. And this change from three to four took place 1967, so 1965 seems correct.

  3. #3


    The insignas dont resemble anything i've seen from the WW2 period. So i would think that atleast the insignias are post war. Around 50s-60s would be correct i think.

  4. #4
    Syd is offline


    Thanks clauz, really appriciate that.

    @ Sensei. I found this today (see pic), it is just a drawing, but looks a bit like that type of cap, to the far right.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Swedish Navy Caps  

  5. #5


    Ah, thanks for clearing that up! It does look like the cap to the right.

  6. #6


    I am just glad I could be of some help :-) The name tag further reads Log 42, which means Logement 42 and that would be "barrack" or "dorm" in English. The room where the guy has his bed and stuff along with another 20 guys or so. I guess there is no such word on board a ship, but before he was assigned to a ship he did his basic training on land, learning to salute and march and use a rifle and so on. Back in 1965 I can imagine that was like 2 months until he saw a ship and then another 12-15 months until his National Service was over and done with.

  7. #7
    Syd is offline

    Default Solved

    @Sensei and @clauz

    Thanks clauz for the Log 42 remark. Was wondering about that.

    Anyway chaps, got it solved now, as I received a mail from a Swedish guy called Hans, from where I got the above drawing from. Attached is the explanation to the two caps, and they seem to be the same. One just older than the other, and different rank.

    Both caps are M/1948, and the emblems is both M/1878, yes 18! I did not write wrong.
    Seems that the Swedish Navy doesn’t change model so often as other nations.

    The attachment is written in Swedish; I assume you both can read that.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Swedish Navy Caps  

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