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A great find today!

Article about: The cap is sold now, Klaus is a excellent dealer, if problem a refund or other is always possible Sebastian.

  1. #1

    Default A great find today!

    Hello everyone,

    not around every day!

    I´m ready to post more pictures and look forward to your comments.


  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement A great find today!
    Join Date

  3. #2

    Default Re: A great find today!

    Hello Klaus, please post more pics yes... it's a very a good idea to post your rare caps here before to sell on your web site for opinion, a first one !

    The original WSS cap are extremely rare in Germany today... all is in USA or other country... I found the same Italian cap without insignia in Germany in the past... and this one in Poland...

    A great find today!

  4. #3

    Default Re: A great find today!

  5. #4

    Default Re: A great find today!

    Ok now your just showing off just kidding, congratulations on some great pick ups!

  6. #5

    Default Re: A great find today!

    Well...thanks Klaus, seems a textbook exemple...

    These 3 caps without insignias since a long time are "Find in Germany" for sure...

  7. #6

    Default Re: A great find today!

    A great find today!A great find today!A great find today!A great find today!Other examples of this type of peaked cap in an undisturbed state. Denazified things in Germany are quite normal.

  8. #7

    Default Re: A great find today!


    Here you a few more ...

  9. #8

    Default Re: A great find today!

    the other cap seems to be good, have you inspected under the buttons if rzm or other thing ?

  10. #9

    Default Re: A great find today!

    Very nice group indeed!

    Any markings in the sidecap?

  11. #10

    Default Re: A great find today!

    The buttons of the field cap are A&S marked. The buttons of the visor are RZM marked. No markings apart from the size stamps.

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