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Heer metal cap insignia.

Article about: Nice score for '20 clams'. Let's see the rest of your haul...............!

  1. #1

    Default Heer metal cap insignia.

    I am assuming that this set is fake.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Heer metal cap insignia.   Heer metal cap insignia.  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Heer metal cap insignia.
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  3. #2

    Default re: Heer metal cap insignia.

    You are indeed correct.
    Best Regards

    Vegard T.
    Looking for militaria from HKB 31./977, HKB 32./977, HKB 38./977 or militaria related to Norway

  4. #3

    Default re: Heer metal cap insignia.

    Thank you ...I'm getting better at spotting this mess now.

  5. #4

    Default re: Heer metal cap insignia.

    Good, the front actually looks OK, but the back i just horrible, the pins, and it is way too blank and smooth for it to be original.
    Best Regards

    Vegard T.
    Looking for militaria from HKB 31./977, HKB 32./977, HKB 38./977 or militaria related to Norway

  6. #5

    Default re: Heer metal cap insignia.

    Thats exactly what i was's just too clean in the back.

    -I bought a big box of odds and ends and this was in it . I was pretty sure this was BS, but it's nice to have a second opinion.
    There was some odd Canadian shoulder boards, some RCMP collar dogs, nothing amazing to write home about, but for 20 clams you cant go wrong.

    thanks cat.


  7. #6

    Default re: Heer metal cap insignia.

    Guys, both of these are fine and pre war quality!

    Backs of insignia can be smoth or detailed: all down to maker and manufacture method.

    Cheers, Ade.

  8. #7

    Default Re: Heer metal cap insignia.

    Eagle certainly looks good and I would take Ade's word for it on the cockade.


  9. #8

    Default Re: Heer metal cap insignia.

    Are you sure Ade? It looks like a copy to me(I am kinda new to this, but those pins stick out like a sore thumb to me).
    Best Regards

    Vegard T.
    Looking for militaria from HKB 31./977, HKB 32./977, HKB 38./977 or militaria related to Norway

  10. #9

    Default Re: Heer metal cap insignia.

    Whoa...thanks for the heads up Ade
    ...I really did think that they were fake...the back is so clean and smooth, it seems really light weight wise, and there isn't one scratch or paint chip

  11. #10

    Default Re: Heer metal cap insignia.

    Sometimes you find mint stuff even 65 years later.

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