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Next in my collection (suggestions)

Article about: Hi everyone, No too long ago I got this amazing Luftwaffe visor cap by Alfret Valet. I hope you guys like it. Now I am looking for a new visor cap to add to my collection. I was looking for

  1. #1

    Default Next in my collection (suggestions)

    Hi everyone,

    No too long ago I got this amazing Luftwaffe visor cap by Alfret Valet.

    Next in my collection (suggestions)

    I hope you guys like it.

    Now I am looking for a new visor cap to add to my collection. I was looking for a political cap (NSDAP leader) or something similar. I would like to know if you have any suggestions!

    Thank you in advance,

    Kindest regards,


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  3. #2


    MG, I am a believe in diversity, and you cannot go wrong with an Ortsgruppe PL visor--you get the most bang (or bling) for your buck:
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Next in my collection (suggestions)  
    Last edited by stonemint; 05-04-2018 at 07:02 PM.
    “Show me the regulation, and I’ll show you the exception.”

  4. #3


    Thank you! That's the one I had set my eyes on... Which dealers are most likely to have them?

  5. #4


    There are dozens of dealers out there, the following 4 all offer political headgear, it is just a matter of price (and authenticity - so before you buy, better ask the specialaists here). I'm sure you'll find many more if you google for political visor caps, perhaps even one with more reasonable prices (in this case, please tell us!)

    Other Headgear – Tagged "Political Headgear" – The Ruptured Duck, LLC
    The Collector's Guild,
    German WWII Tropenhelm | Officer Cap | Military Schirmmütze - you must scroll down almost all the way
    Hats – Page 3 – Military Collectibles, Inc.

  6. #5


    I would avoid "Military Collectibles,Inc'. Just my opinion

  7. #6


    Thank you guys for your advice! I will definitely post here before I buy.

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