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Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

Article about: I would like to take a moment and welcome everyone to the new cloth headgear forum and introduce myself. First, I would like to thank Ade for taking up my (& Bob Coleman's) suggestion th

  1. #1

    Default Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    I would like to take a moment and welcome everyone to the new cloth headgear forum and introduce myself. First, I would like to thank Ade for taking up my (& Bob Coleman's) suggestion that a separate forum be established for cloth headgear. In this forum we will review and discuss all soft headgear: M-43's, Kratzchens, Schiffchens, Kepi's, Crushers, etc of any TR organisation. Because it is interesting to trace manufacturers of headgear and their evolution (and devolution after 1945), please feel free to discuss relevent Kaiserreich, Weimar, BRD and DDR headgear. (One cannot study TR headgear in icelation without looking at what proceeded it, and what came subsequent to it).

    About myself: As most of you know, I post extensively in another forum, but will be posting extensively here as well. I am a 32-year collector, and have been collecting since I was 13, back in 1976 (yes, that means I am an old man of 45). I am one of those rare breeds who specialized from the get-go--for me, it was always about headgear, mainly Schirmmuetzen, ie, visored caps. My primary focus was the Wehrmacht and SS, but over the years I have "softened" and come to appreciate Political, State, and Civil headgear, which are now my collecting focus.

    Like a lot of collectors my age, I have made the mistakes and have been burned by the fakes and repros early on in my collecting days, so hopefully, with this forum, you won't have to repeat my errors. IMHO, most Frankenstein hats (Frankys for short) are easy to catch, once you know what to look for. Ground-up fakes (fakes that have no original parts) are rarely made one-off, so once you see one, you will see more (no money in it for the faker, unless he is trying to make Goring's or AH's visor). As such, we will be discussing Original, Fake, and Repro headgear, in addition to anything else related to the high art of Haberdashery during the TR.

    On the flip side, I am not that strong on the M-43s/Schiffchens/Crushers, but there are a lot of veteran collectors here who can more than pick up my slack, and I look forward to their input. I also will also keep this forum less antagonistic than the other forums, as one of the reasons the "Old Guard" collectors are posting here is just that, and is the main reason I have accepted the Moderator position. Things need to be criticised, but that criticism should come in a constructive manner, without the need for belittling or personal attacks (which I won't tolerate.)

    In any event, please do not be shy about posting anything--no question is unimportant, and we all here to learn, so please post away!

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!
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    Advertising world

  3. #2

    Default Re: Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    Thanks for the above, since some of us have been here for awhile, when the place was somewhat less traveled than now. I think, colleague, you want to add that our endeavor here should also be on the context in which these objects were created, that is, their history. Surely we are also intent on this pursuit in a spirit of shared learning, open inquiry, careful reflection. These traits are the property of no generation, per se, and can just as much obtain to the young as to the old. By creating an atmosphere of free inquiry and, might I emphasize, polite exchange in which doubt and the unknowns can operate without intimidation, threat, hectoring, posturing, and down right viciousness, we will all learn much more about things we do not understand very well.

    Further, these items are not alone a commercial proposition, nor should these sites be like the celebrity demi monde in which the order of the day is: burn what you have prayed to, and pray to what you have burnt.

    Nor should the sole purpose of this site and its inquiry be to knock down dealers, although surely some of them deserve it, but it should not be the first reflex. Simply, don't let the first thing you type be a cutting remark.
    And, thank people who take the effort to post things, about which they have thought and then taken the time to share with others.

    Granted I am even older than you, dear colleague, and am a professional in the field, I am sure you will associate yourself with my statement here, as I know Adrian Stevenson and Bob Coleman will, as they asked me to come here some time ago.

    Thank you for your kind aid with the signal effort of this website.

  4. #3

    Default Re: Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    Can't think of a better person for the job, well except for Robert Lubstein or Paul Kaps but I don't think they are answering their emails right now.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    Congratulation Chris.... how much for this new job ?

  6. #5

    Default Re: Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    The rewards cannot be described in monetary terms and are to found in the company of polite people who know a lot.

    Happy collecting.

  7. #6

    Default Re: Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    Congrats Chris, keep showing us your goodies!!

  8. #7

    Default Re: Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    One of the most knowledgeable guys about for headgear, and a true gentleman to go with it, congratulations Chris!


  9. #8

    Default Re: Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    Thanks for all the kind comments, guys, but remember, a forum is no better than the people who post and share (and we are off to a great start.) I look forward to everyone's continued input, and lets make this the most informative (and at the same time civilized) cloth headgear forum on the net!

  10. #9
    Jr. Mint

    Default Re: Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    I am new to this forum and look forward to learning a great deal from everyone about headgear. I think this is a great idea!

    Jr. Mint

  11. #10

    Default Re: Welcome to the new cloth headgear forum!

    Quote by Jr. Mint View Post
    I am new to this forum and look forward to learning a great deal from everyone about headgear. I think this is a great idea!

    Jr. Mint
    Jr--welcome to the forum--we look forward to your regular participation and input!

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