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Armband collection

Article about: Hey gang! Well, buckles are my largest collectible - but not too far behind is my armband collection. I again try to collect one of each. One I have a specific type - then I move on...but I

  1. #1

    Default Armband collection

    Hey gang! Well, buckles are my largest collectible - but not too far behind is my armband collection. I again try to collect one of each. One I have a specific type - then I move on...but I also consider variant types of construction so I can add more to the collection. Here's my collection so far...There are a couple armbands missing from the pics (need to buy another frame) so I will post those individually.


    Attached Images Attached Images Armband collection  Armband collection  Armband collection  Armband collection  Armband collection  Armband collection 

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2

    Default Re: Armband collection

    Couple armbands that recently arrived and need a frame.....
    DJ variant (not the same one as in the frame), a DAF armband and an NSBO armband along with a NSDAP marked small cufftitle style armband....


    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Armband collection  
    Attached Images Attached Images Armband collection  Armband collection  Armband collection  Armband collection 

  4. #3

    Default Re: Armband collection

    Very nice collection, here is an oddball one that I have.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Armband collection  

  5. #4

    Default Re: Armband collection

    still a few missing like : Feldgendarmerie, Verkehrs-Aufsicht, A.O.K. or Transportführer (for the military armbands), but a very nice collection of armbands...congrats also for the display

    The sacrifice of life is a huge sacrifice, there is only one that is more terrible, the sacrifice of honor

    In Memoriam :
    Laurent Huart (1964-2008)

  6. #5

    Thumbs up Re: Armband collection

    Hi Rob

    Very well dislayed, that's quite the collection...


    Nick VR

  7. #6

    Default Re: Armband collection

    Thank you gentlemen! Yes, there are still quite a few missing. The Pol. leader type bands (expensive) have yet to all find their way into my collection as well.....but in due time I'm sure. It would be boring and way too easy if we were able to collect these items within a couple months.....takes "considerably" longer!



  8. #7

    Default Re: Armband collection

    Que d histoire chez vous ! je suis impresioné de voir tout ca !

    great armband collection Rob ! Congrat !

  9. #8

    Default Re: Armband collection

    Merci Pierre! It's always a lot of fun finding new and different armbands to add to the collection - but it is getting a little harder!



  10. #9

    Default Re: Armband collection

    thats a cool collection of armbands well done

  11. #10

    Default Re: Armband collection

    Thank you very much! Glad to you like it. Haven't acquired anymore "bands" in a little while....might have to get back on that!



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