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James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)

Article about: by BOB COLEMAN The cap eagle is not political but the civil model. It appears to be gilt finish which would have come off a Reichsbahn cap, which is the German Railway system. The cap would

  1. #1

    Default James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)

    Let me first start by saying what I know about this man and how his collection ended up with me.

    James Duncan fought in several theaters. He served in Africa, Italy, France and Germany. When he passed (he had no children) the silver box containing his bring-backs went to my great Aunt, who he was in a long-term relationship with. When she passed the family did not know what to do with the relics. A shady collector offered a measly price (I think it was 150 dollars). It was decided that it should stay with me (a teenager at the time) because I was (and perhaps thanks to the box, still am) very much interested in history. Before we dive in I will say that I have a small collection of my own, aside from Duncan's relics. To me though, the relics are much more captivating because I know more of their story. Looking through the box is like having a conversation with this man who I never knew. Duncan labeled many of the things he found important, anticipating a day when the inheritor of the box would have questions. Having no children, perhaps he knew that the questions would come from someone he didn't know, either. More about James Duncan as we go along...

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    The box itself is quite interesting. I'm not sure what it was originally for, and my only guess is that it could have been an extremely over-sized cigar box. (Please let me know any thoughts you have about anything in the collection.)

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)

    _ _ _

    Some of you may or may not have seen this pennant from my first post here. Here it is again. Had much difficulty finding any information on it. All I discovered was that it is a parade pennant, and was appraised between 350 and 450 by an eager buyer. (I would never parcel out this collection. It's too great as a story all together to do such a thing in my opinion.)

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy) (Rough stitching, 4 grommets in each corner on the banner. Were banners like this standard for vehicles?)

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)

    I can't figure out what the badge is on this garrison cap. Does anyone know? Latvian? American? I have no idea. Large shells with some 8mm mauser and one that I can't identify (the bent one). Large ones possibly 20mms? Duncan must have enjoyed collecting watches. One seems to have buttons on its side, maybe a stop watch?

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)

    Now, onto something I realized very recently! I was always thrown off by this metal plate. His label reads "Mark 6 Tank- Just What "Li ...N (?)" the rest I can't make out.
    For awhile I dismissed it, confused by the "Mark" nomenclature for a German vehicle, and turned my attention towards other pieces in the collection. Looking to his label (without which I probably couldn't have figured this out) I did some searching.

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)

    It's from the driver's gauge panel inside a Panzerkampfwagen VI "Tiger" ! Being in an anti-tank regiment, perhaps this Tiger was taken out by Duncan's unit and he wanted a memento from their victory over the much-feared "Mark 6."

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy) Tiger tank in Tunisia; a location where Duncan's unit may have come across the Tiger the plate is from.

    I think the following item is from a cap- please let me know if I'm wrong.

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)

    I really have no clue what this could be. Looks almost loungerie-ish- three pieces stapled together. No tags or marks included. (below left)

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)

    A fuse of some sort? Any ideas on this yellow cylinder?

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)
    Last edited by JamesWatson; 08-25-2013 at 03:07 AM.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)
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  3. #2


    Welcome to the forum, i'm sure we will all be interested to see more.

  4. #3


    Quote by douglas2496 View Post
    Welcome to the forum, i'm sure we will all be interested to see more.
    Thank you! I'm very happy to share it all with folks who know and care about these items.

  5. #4


    Welcome James, yes, by all means show us some more. Is there a story behind the rock, for example?

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  6. #5


    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    Welcome James, yes, by all means show us some more. Is there a story behind the rock, for example?
    The thing about the collection is that while he did label quite a few things, unfortunately he didn't label everything. The black rock is a mystery, but there are some that are labeled coming up!

  7. #6


    Nice grouping.

  8. #7


    Thank you! more on the way

  9. #8


    yes it is a cap badge,political one.

  10. #9


    Quote by harryamb2 View Post
    yes it is a cap badge,political one.
    Thanks for commenting! Interesting to know it was a political badge. With your help I've been able to find a match!

    James D. Duncan's war loot and mementos- intact collection- (Picture heavy)

  11. #10


    Just what "lime" needed? Perhaps he meany Limey.
    The insignia on his cap is called a distinctive. I can't find out what regiment/unit it is for, but then I'm no collector of American militaria.

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