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RK found his way to the living room!!

Article about: Don't think I showed it on thise forum yet. But thise is the way I was allowed (by my Feldwebel!! )to have the RK displayed in the living room. Those globes come up regulary on flee markets.

  1. #1

    Default RK found his way to the living room!!

    Don't think I showed it on thise forum yet.
    But thise is the way I was allowed (by my Feldwebel!! )to have the RK displayed in the living room.
    Those globes come up regulary on flee markets.
    RK found his way to the living room!!
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


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    Circuit advertisement RK found his way to the living room!!
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  3. #2

    Default Re: RK found his way to the living room!!

    Kinda easy for little fingers to get at that Rk.... lets see pics of the cross

  4. #3

    Default Re: RK found his way to the living room!!

    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


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