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    Is this disc authentic?

    Researching the authenticity of this disc. It was purchased 20 years ago and was supposed to be from the battle of Stalingrad. I reached out to the

    09-23-2024, 12:17 AM

    Pre WW1 Imperial Dunkelblau NCO Waffenrock - 143 Infantry Regiment

    A nice clean example of a pre war Dunkelblau NCO tunic. This is for the 143 Infantry Regiment. Stitching of the should boards are a bit nicer than I typically

    09-23-2024, 12:08 AM
    Waffen SS Collector

    Delete account


    I have a question. How can I delete my account?

    09-22-2024, 10:33 PM

    Non Combatant WW1 EK2

    A nice clean example of a Non Combatant EK2. Not sure if it is wartime, but suspect post WW1 made

    A Max Show 2024 pick up at a nice price

    09-22-2024, 11:59 PM

    Heer M44 tunic, Pioniere Feldwebel, 'Demjansk' Shield


    I have here an M44 tunic to a Feldwebel of the Pioneer troops, decorated with a 'Demjansk' shield and in very good condition.

    09-22-2024, 08:50 PM

    KIA Wehrpass - Stalingrad inc letter to wife

    Hi all

    I've recently purchased a Wehrpass to Karl Denfeld (Karl Denfeld | Grabersuche-Online) who can be seen here. It came with a letter

    09-22-2024, 07:52 PM
  • World War militaria collectors and historians forum. Uniforms, armor, battlefields at War Relics Forum RSS Feed

    by 09-26-2010 04:58 AM

    This is an item of insignia which has been well reproduced for many years and catches a lot of collectors out.

    However, it is one ...
    by 09-02-2010 08:55 AM

    I wish to show you some photos from battlefields of SS - Nord Division in Noth Karelia(Russia). I hope they will be pleasant ...
    by 09-02-2010 08:06 AM

    No Firm Location
    1 Deschler & Sohn München
    2 C.E. Junker Berlin
    3 Wilhelm Deumer Lüdenscheld
    4 Steinhauer & Lück Lüdenscheld
    5 Hermann Wernstein Jena-Lobstedt
    6 Fritz Zimmermann Stuttgart
    7 Paul Meyhauer Berlin
    8 Ferdinand Hoffstadter Bonn a. Rhein
    9 Liefergemeinschaft Schmuckhandwerker Pforzheim
    10 Foerster & Barth Pforzheim
    11 Grossmann & Co. Wien
    12 Frank & Reif Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen
    13 Gustav Brehmer Markneukirchen/Sa
    14 L. Chr. Lauer Nürnberg-W
    15 Friedrich Orth Wien
    16 Alois Rettenmaler Schwäblsch-Gmund
    17 (Unknown)
    18 Karl Wurster K.G. Markneukirchen/Sa
    19 E. Ferd Weidmann Frankfurt/Main
    20 C.F. Zimmermann Pforzheim
    21 Gebr. Godet & Co. Berlin
    22 Boerger & Co. Berlin
    23 Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Heereshedarf darf In der Graveur-u. Ziseleurinnung
    24 Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Hanauer Plaket-ten-hersteller
    Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Graveur-Gold-
    by 09-02-2010 07:17 AM

    Political daggers were ususally marked with the RZM code M7/. Here is a list of the codes with the makers name:

    M7/1 Gebruder Christians, Christianswerk, Solingen
    M7/2 Emil Voos Waffenfabrik, Solingen
    M7/3 Kuno Ritter, Solingen-Grafrath
    M7/4 August Muller KG., Solingen-Merscheid
    M7/5 Carl Julius Krebs, Solingen
    M7/6 H. & F. Lauterjung, Solingen
    M7/7 Hermann Konejung, Solingen
    M7/8 Eduard Gembruch, Solingen-Grafrath
    M7/9 SMF - Solinger Metallwaffenfabrik Stoecker & Co., Solingen
    M7/10 J. A. Henckels, Solingen
    M7/11 E. Knecht & Co., Solingen
    M7/12 WMW - Waffenfabrik Max Weyersberg, Solingen
    M7/12 Carl Robert Kaldenbach (duplicate)
    M7/13 Arthur Schuttelhofer & Co., Solingen-Wald
    M7/14 R D. Luneschloss, Solingen
    M7/15 Carl & Robert Linder, Solingen
    M7/16 Justus Brenger & Co., Solingen-Wald
    M7/17 A. Werth, Solingen
    M7/18 Richard Abr. Herder, Solingen
    M7/19 Edward Wusthof Dreizackwerk, Solingen
    M7/20 Ernst Mandewirth, Solingen
    M7/21 Hermann Schneider, Solingen
    M7/22 Wilhelm Weltersbach, Solingen
    M7/23 Carl Halbach, Solingen
    M7/24 Reinhard Weyersberg, Solingen
    M7/25 Wilhelm Wagner, Solingen-Merscheid
    M7/25 Jostes & Co., Solingen ...
    by 09-02-2010 07:06 AM

    Here is a very useful list from 1944 giving the regulation order in which medals or medal ribbons should be worn.
    1. Eisernes Kreuz 1939 oder 1914
    2. Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit und ohne Schwerter
    3. Ehrenzeichen für Deutsche Volkspflege mit Schwertern auf dem Bande
    4. Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege mit Schwertern auf dem Bande
    5. Medaille ...
    by 09-02-2010 07:05 AM

    Hello Gentlemen and fellow members,
    Following the idea launched by our member Matt L, here's a link to access the ...
    by 09-02-2010 06:16 AM

    On most SA daggers, two small code letters will be found stamped on the lower reverse crossguards. This represents the SA group to which the daggers original owner belonged. Here is a list of these markings for reference:
    Code SA Group
    A Alpenland
    B Berlin-Brandenburg
    BO Bayerische ...
    by 09-02-2010 05:48 AM

    Hello Gentlemen,
    As Adrian kindly agreed for me to open this thread in his subforum, i would like to thank him... ...
    by 09-02-2010 04:00 AM

    As a forum we have agreed to to start various fixed threads on the vast array SA (Sturm Abteilung) buckles. Please post ...
    by 09-02-2010 03:14 AM

    SS Mantel SS RZM tag
    I am not in the habit of saving every fake and then piling it up, then to proclaim ...

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