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    Real? And what are they! Thanks, Fred

    Real? And what are they! Thanks, Fred

    09-12-2024, 06:50 PM

    Hello from the Midwest

    Good morning,

    Im joining because of an interest in WW2 German tableware. Was hoping to learn and have insight from other collectors in

    09-12-2024, 06:18 PM

    Panzermen on the march

    I dug this photograph out to show as I think it is time to move on from it. To show it here, we see a formation of panzermen presumably

    09-12-2024, 05:09 PM

    Italian Service Member records

    I'm not sure where to post this but I was wondering if anybody could give me some advice as to searching for a particular service members records from

    09-12-2024, 03:55 PM

    14-18 seen by the eyes of the Germans part 4

    -A soldier lifting his helmet outside the shelter to see if no ennemy is nearby. Probably doing this just for the picture as some soldiers are laughing

    09-12-2024, 03:49 PM

    M17 medic paint

    Is this m16/17 red cross applied stahlhelm real

    Thank you

    09-12-2024, 07:34 PM
  • World War militaria collectors and historians forum. Uniforms, armor, battlefields at War Relics Forum RSS Feed

    by 06-06-2024 12:59 AM

    Hi. I'm a long-time collector (50+ years), but my expertise does not include German street signs. I have normally avoided ...
    by 03-13-2022 07:24 PM

    Hello all,
    I am a new subscriber that just joined. I have been collecting primarily Olympic stuff for the last ...
    by 12-29-2016 01:28 PM

    Hello Everyone,

    Whilst searching through the internet I came across the following photographs of paintings ...
    by 03-31-2015 07:28 PM

    There and Back Again; The Incredible Journey of the C Section, 3rd Field Ambulance Red Cross Flag, from Western Australia, ...
    by 03-03-2015 01:03 PM

    Hello Everyone,

    I have found these colour photographs that show PAF Pilots after receiving the Distinguished ...
    by 02-20-2014 10:10 PM


    Thought it was time to post my favourite part of this hobby! I know that not to everyones taste, my mini's/salesman/letter ...
    by 11-17-2013 05:19 PM

    This is what the "Uniformen-Markt" from May 1, 1936 says on page 86:
    (published also in the magazine " ...
    by 08-26-2013 03:31 PM

    Hello Everyone,

    I found the following colour photographs on the internet and just thought that some of you ...
    by 03-04-2013 02:22 PM

    I have found the following paintings , which I thought I would share with everyone, I sincerely hope that you enjoy them ...
    by 04-10-2012 09:27 PM  Number of Views: 156067 

    This thread is an SS Runic Decal Reference thread whereby WRF helmet collectors can quickly compare SS decals and learn the various styles, makers, patterns and shell applications. This should be a great resource for collectors wondering if the SS runic decal on the helmet they are perhaps looking at buying is not only authentic but is the shell maker correct for the helmet.
    by 03-14-2012 08:12 PM

    Hiya, ATS girls had to do PT like all other soldiers. So they needed a complete range of specially designed sports wear. ...
    by 01-20-2012 01:01 PM

    Hi Guys, as this question comes up very often, I thought it would be useful to place a pinned thread on the subject?

    The key to determining an ...
    by 07-25-2011 05:21 PM

    The origins of the insignia in the SS Totenkopfverbaende, or SS Wachverbaende as they were called in 1935 in the documents below give rise to much speculation.

    The cuff titles were introduced in the latter part of 1935, for instance, the one pictured here.

    This regalia was subject to strict control as you see here. ...
    by 03-15-2011 03:58 AM

    I'm sharing here with the WW1 aficionados,what i think is the most incredible find for a couple of years ,in our soil of France.
    A member of my french forum digged this stuff last week,in a kind of dump site.
    by 02-26-2011 01:55 PM

    Picture show: 1 firm code, 2 material code

    Liste der Presswerk-Codes der Materialprüfungsanstalt, Stand: 31. Dezember 1938

    21 Neuyork-Hamburger Gummiwaren-Kompanie, Hamburg
    22 Bebrit-Preßstoffwerke GmbH, Bebra und C.F. Schlothauer, Ruhla
    23 Lüdenscheider Metallwerke AG, Busch-Jäger, Lüdenscheid
    24 Gebrüder Merten, Gummersbach
    25 Süddeutsche Isolatorenwerke GmbH, Freiburg
    31 Vereinigte Isolatorenwerke AG, (Viacowerke) Berlin-Pankow
    32 H. Römmler AG, Spremberg
    33 Wolff und Co KG, Walsrode
    by 02-06-2011 10:37 AM

    as found on a notable Russian site: a nice summary of key aspects of the RZM.

    Here is an English translation of the regulations.

    I decided not to translate the term “Reichszeugmeisterei”, as it is generally recognized and commonly used in its original German form; a rough translation would be “National Quartermasters Department”.
    I translated the term "parteiamtliche Gegenstände" somewhat literally as "offical Party items", one could use other translations, too, such as as "controlled items of the Party" etc.
    by 01-30-2011 01:24 PM

    In this list you can find examples of the SS gear with early markings on it. If you have something to add, you are welcome.
    Look here for full list

    by 11-19-2010 06:17 AM  Number of Views: 96259 

    This article can in no way be exhaustive due to the scarcity of the subject matter. This will, hopefully, go some way to give an overview of the many differing types of issued tropical caps seen in German service in World War II.

    The most distinguishable issue item of the WWII German soldier in North Africa & Mediterranean theatre of Operations was his field cap. This was simply termed Afrikamutze by the troops, but in todays collecting terminology it is the m40 Tropical Field Cap.
    Along with his tropical issue service uniform and specially designed fieldgear, this simple but useful item set him aside from his Continental comrades and added to the mystique of his image as a serving member of the famous Deutches Afrika Korps (DAK). ...
    by 11-16-2010 05:50 AM

    Here is list of units in Afrika and the Balkans: copied from C Evans list, Thanks. 1941-42.

    Combat Troops Staff: Waffenfarbe

    Generals---Color was Red.
    Color is: White.
    Army Group Staffs. A.G's. G,E,F, Staffs.
    Army Staffs. Army Group "A" 2,12 Staffs.
    Armored Group Staffs. "Afrika."
    Korps Stabs. 11th, 30th, 51st, 52nd, 65th, 68th, 69th, 91st.
    Reserve Stabs. 59th.
    Motorized Korps Stabs. 41st.

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