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2nd Pattern RLB WKC dagger

Article about: Hello. Today I am showing RLB dagger that I want to buy. The dagger has the characteristic WKC eagle on the cross guard, there are signs of wear and the blade is good. A crossgrain is also n

  1. #1

    Default 2nd Pattern RLB WKC dagger

    Today I am showing RLB dagger that I want to buy. The dagger has the characteristic WKC eagle on the cross guard, there are signs of wear and the blade is good. A crossgrain is also noted. I may be missing some detail that is not correct.
    Please give your opinion!
    Thanks Georgi.2nd Pattern RLB WKC dagger2nd Pattern RLB WKC dagger2nd Pattern RLB WKC dagger2nd Pattern RLB WKC dagger2nd Pattern RLB WKC dagger

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  3. #2


    Hello again.
    There are no comments yet, but I requested additional photos from the seller.
    I think there is some repair on the enamel of the swastika.
    I will hold off on purchasing this dagger.
    Regards Georgi.2nd Pattern RLB WKC dagger

  4. #3


    Quote by georgi View Post
    Hello again.
    I think there is some repair on the enamel of the swastika.
    Regards Georgi.
    I do not study these, but I have to agree with your comment.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  5. #4


    Would kind of depend on how much they want for it...if you dont want it for $100 I will lol.

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